Glede na to, da imam rada gerbere in marjetice, so mi všeč tudi papirnate rožice z več kot osmimi cvetnimi lističi. Sicer bi se jih dalo preprosto izrezati s katerim od digitalnih rezalnikov ali kupiti izrezane, pa tudi šablona ali štanca bi se morda našla, ampak sem našla način, kako jih lahko naredim kar sama.
/ Considering the fact that I love gerberas and daisies, I also like paper flower with more than eight petals. I know that they could be simply cut out with a digital shape cutter or bought ready-made, or even a template or punch could be found, but I found a way to make them myself.
Za šablono sem vzela izštancan krog s školjkastim robom (štirinajst hribčkov pomeni štirinajst cvetnih lističev). Prerisala sem jo na papir - vseeno, na katero stran, ker se po izrezovanju črta od svičnika pozneje več ne vidi.
/ As a template, I used a punched out scalloped circle (fourteen little hills means fourteen petals). I traced it to paper - it doesn't matter to which side you draw it, the pencil line won't show after you cut the flower out.
Na sredino sem narisala krog - lahko s šablono, lahko s prosto roko; malo je odvisno od tega, če ga bo pozneje kaj prekrilo (manjša rožica ali gumb).
/ I drew a circle in the center - it can be done with a template or free hand; it might depend on whether you want to cover it later (with a smaller flower or a button).
Rožico sem na samo na približno izrezala in pri vsakem stiku dvek hribčkov zarezala v smeri sredine do narisanega kroga.
/ I cut the flower out (you don't have to be too precise) and cut lines towards the center between the hills, stopping at the circle.
Nato sem izrezala hribčke. Uporabila sem valovite škarje, pa tudi z navadnimi škarjami gre brez problema.
/ Then I cut out the hills. I used scalloped scissors, but the regular ones will do just fine as well.
Z navadnimi škarjami sem "pobrala" robove - nekoliko prej sem zaokrožila hribčke in pobrala nekaj papirja med dvema trakcema. Voilá rožica!
/ I used the regular scissors to trim the edges - I circled off the hills and cut some paper between the petals. Voilá flower!
Za sredino so se mi zdeli najboljši veliki gumbi.
/ Large buttons seemed the most appropriate for the center piece.
V naslednji objavi bo še nekaj variacij.
/ A few more variations in the next post.
Če se vam zdi uporabno, izvolite!
/ If you find it useful, feel free to use it!