Danes sem pekla FIMO. Pipi in Melkijad sta na pečenje čakala v hladilniku, ostale nedodelane stvari pa v dveh kartonskih pokrovih še od konca maja.
/ I baked FIMO today. The two tiny piglets were waiting for baking in the fridge and the other unfinished things have been in two cardboard lids since the end of May.
Zahvala in globok poklon za izdelavo spodnjih lepot gre Andreji, ki je malo čarala z mokume gane, ko smo nazadnje skupaj preživele nekaj ustvarjalnih ur. Jaz sem nekoliko sodelovala pri nalaganju in kombiniranju odrezanih plasti, danes pa sem jih še odrezala na primerne oblike in naredila luknjice. Nekaj brušenja in lakiranja še bo.
/ My gratitude and admiration for the beauties below goes to Andreja who kindly made some mokume-gane-magic the last time we spent some crafting hours together. I only made a small contribution by putting together and combining the cut-off layers, and today I cut them to appropriate shapes and made the holes. I've still got some polishing and lacquering to do.
Z mislijo na frišno novo jutro sem naredila še te magnetke.
/ Thinking of a "fresh new morning", I also made these magnets.