Ena je še nastala - platnice sem imela že pripravljene, potrebovala sem še nekaj listkov, trakci pa so tudi bili v pravih barvah. Za še malo okrasa sem po šablonici (Spellbinders Nestabilities - Birds) izrezala dva ptička, jima naredila krilca iz trakcev in očke s kristalčki. Namesto veje sem narisala vijugice in dodala še nekaj mini kristalčkov.
I made another one - I had prepared the covers some time ago, I only needed some more sheets to insert, and the ribbons were in just right colours. I wanted to decorate it a bit further, so I used a little template (Spellbinders Nestabilities - Birds) and cut out two birdies, used some ribbons to make their wings and two crystals for their eyes. Instead of a branch, I drew some swirlies and added some mini crystals.
p.s. Prva fotografija ni bila dovolj kontrastna, zato sem jo zamenjala z novo, posneto pri dnevni svetlobi... / The first photo didn't have enough contrasts, so I replaced it with a new one taken at daylight.