Morala sem jih poskusit naredit. Te okrogle z nacefranim robom namreč (ne, ni bil edge distresser v akciji, so bile kar škarjice). In so mi bile kar všeč. Pa sem jih dala kar na voščilnico, še malo vrvice, nekaj gumbkov in listkov, narejenih na enak način kot cvetovi. Voščilnica je sicer malenkost temačna, ampak za nekaj ljudi vem, ki jim bo všeč. Sploh pa je šla zaenkrat v kupček za zalogo, ker sem ugotovila, da mi je ostalo tako malo voščilnic, da bo treba spet malo bolj resno v akcijo.
Popoldne pa sem bila po zelo dolgem času v trgovini Memories. Moj namen in nakup: vijolični (in roza) papirji. Zdaj grem pa palčke-malčke rezat.
I had to try them out. These ones, made of circles with a distressed edge (no edge distresser was involved in this, just plain scissors). And I liked them pretty much. So I went nad put them on a card, added a bot of cord, some buttons and leaves I made using the same technique as with the blooms. The card is a bit dark, but I know some people that will definitely like it. And for now, it's going to my stash of cards because I've noticed that I've got so few of them left that some serious action will be necessary.
In the afternoon, I visited the Memories shop after a very long time. My "mission" and purchase: purple (and pink) papers. And now I'm off to make some inchies.