Ker je narava in način mojega "ta prvega in ta pravega" dela taka, da zanj rabim računalnik in povezavo s svetom, si takrat, ko ta dva malo data možgane na off, urnik malo prerazporedim in grem ustvarjat.
("urnik malo prerazporedim" običajno pomeni za par ur krajšo noč...)
/ The nature and method of my "first and actual" work requires a computer and a connection with the wide world, so when these to decide to take some time off, I rearrange my schedule and spend some time crafting.
("rearrange my schedule" usually means a night shorter for a few hours...)
Tokrat sem si odtisnila moje zimske Tilde in jih nesla s seboj, ko sem pospremila mravljičico v glasbeno šolo. In medtem, ko sem jo čakala, sem jih izrezovala.
/ This time, I stamped my winter Tildas and took them with me when I took my daughter to the music school. And while I was waiting for her, I cut them out.
In oblekice zanje. Ki sem jih naštempljala na vzorčke tapet, narabutane v eni od bau-trgovin. Tekstura tapet je ravno prava, da lepljenje ene plasti na drugo že samo po sebi da nekoliko 3D efekta.
/ And their clothes. Which I stamped on the wallpaper samples collected in one of the home improvement stores. The texture of the wallpapers is just great, and putting a few layer together gives a slight 3D effect by itself.
Doma sem jih potem "oblekla in obula".
/ At home, they put their clothes and boots on.
Približno sem si pripravila tudi preostale elemente za voščilnice, potem pa je tehnologija začela delovati, zato dokončane voščilnice pokažem v eni od naslednjih objav.
/ I kind of prepared the remaining elements for the cards, but then the technology came to life again, so I'll show the finished cards in one of the upcoming posts.