WHERE HAVE THEY GONE?Druga polovica junija in začetek julija namreč. Sploh ne morem verjeti, da bo že skoraj mesec od moje zadnje objave. V seznamu objav se vrstijo nove in nove krasote, jaz pa nisem uspela niti prebrati vsega, kaj šele, da bi komentirala ali objavila kaj novega.
Namely the second half of June and the beginning of July. I simply can't believe that it's been almost a month since my last post. So many beautiful things shown in other people's blogs, and I didn't even have time to read everything, let alone comment or post something new.Junij je bil še poln dela, pa prireditev in obveznosti ob koncu šolskega leta, pa priprav darilc za učitelje, ob vsem tem pa sem se lotila še enega malo večjega spominskega albuma.
June was filled with work, and events and obligations for the end of the school year, we had some presents for teachers to prepare, and I started making a bit larger scrapbook.Zadnji teden junija pa smo preživeli na Pagu.
We spent the last week in June on the island Pag.
The sea.
Branje. Zdaj vem, zakaj čez leto skoraj nič ne berem - ker takrat, ko začnem, ne neham...
Reading. Now I know why I hardly read anything during the year - once I start, I just can't stop...
Salvo Montalbano - drugič, tretjič in četrtič
Salvo Montalbano - the second, the third, the fourth case

Pa Alex Cross - že nekaj časa nisem brala Pattersona; prve štiri knjige iz Cross-serije sem brala po vrsti, tokrat pa sem v knjižnici vzela edino, ki so jo imeli v angleščini.
And Alex Cross - I haven't read Patterson for quite a while now; I read the first four books from the Cross-series in order, but this time, I just grabbed the only one that was available in English.
Pa Bella in Edward - ne, filmov še nisem gledala in jih nameravam gledati šele, ko preberem vse knjige, ampak šment, Cedric Diggory je ves čas nekje zraven ;)
And Bella and Edward - no, I haven't seen the movies and I don't intend to watch them until I have read the entire saga, but darn, Cedric Diggory is somewhere around all the time ;)
Nekaj sem tudi ustvarjala, pa ne prav veliko.
I spent some time crafting as well, but not really much.Sem pa prvič po desetih letih zopet sestavila stojali in z mravljičicama cel teden, vsak dan malo "packala" po svili.
However, I assembled my silk painting frames for the first time after ten years, and my girls and I had the whole week of silk-painting-and-colouring fun.