31 julij 2010

Monolog (2)

Besedilo je približno isto kot tu, le da smo rabili voščilnico za eno novo princesko.
/ The text is pretty much the same as here, only this time we needed a card for a new little princess.

Moji pejotki pa še kar čakajo...
/ Any my little peyote projects are still waiting...


30 julij 2010


Pogled na koledar - rojstni dan je jutri!
Pogled na uro - čez dve uri zaprejo pošto!

Zaloga rojstnodnevnih čestitk - je ni.
Bom kupila čestitko? - O, to pa ne.
A še sploh znam kaj naredit po tako dolgem času? - Nnnjaa, no poskusimo.

A material pa je? - Ja, to pa ja.

/nekoliko pozneje/
No, glede na zarjavelost... črte so še vedno ravne, pa muci nosi pravo sporočilo.

Še napisat, podpisat, v kuverto, aja, ne še, še fotkat, joj, pa svetlobe ni prave!

/še nekoliko pozneje/
Uf, sem le uspela ujeti pošto.
Ampak zdaj se pa res moram vsest pa si neko zalogo naredit, da ne bom vsakič takole...
O, glej, kak vzorček! To moram nujno probat! Kje imam one perlice?

Ni mi pomoči...


A glimpse at the calendar - the birthday's tomorrow!
A glimpse at the clock - the post office closes in two hours!

The stash of birthday cards - no such thing.
Am I going to buy one? - No way.
Will I be able to make anything at all after such a long time? - Weeelll, I can try.

But do I have the material? - Oh, yes, that's for sure.

/a bit later/
Well, considering the rustiness... the lines are still straight and the kitty carries just the right message.

Write, sign, pack, wait, not yet, take a photo, oh, the light's not right!

/and a bit later/
Phew, I managed to post it.
But now I really need to sit down and make a few cards so that I won't be like this every time...
Oh, look at that pattern! I definitely need to try this out! Where did I put those beads?

I'm a lost case...


p.s. Vse najboljše, E.!
p.s. Happy birthday, E.!

27 julij 2010

Saj sem vedela


Saj sem vedela, da se jih ne bi smela dotakniti. Delica perlic namreč. Prav zares imajo čarobno moč.
/ I knew I shouldn't have touched them. Delica beads namely. They do have magical powers, honestly.

Takle je bil moj prvi kupček za preizkušanje
/ This is what my first test mix looked like

Vir/Source: www.redpandabeads.com

In čeprav vem, da me čaka še dolga pot, da bi se sploh približala Aniti, Alenki, Jani in MyCrafty, grem z velikim veseljem na pot. Tudi brez hrane in pijače :)
/ And even though I know I've got a long way to go in order to come somewhere near Anita, Alenka, Jana and McCrafty, I'm willing to take that trip. Even without food and drink :)

In če se sprašujete, ja, moj trikotnik je res vija-vaja - na vseh treh stranicah. A šele ko naredim naslednjega, vam bom lahko povedala, če se mi je to posrečilo ali ponesrečilo ;)
/ And in case you're wondering, yes, my triangle is wavy - on all three sides. But only after I've done the next one, I'll be able to tell you whether this was luck or a mishap ;)


22 julij 2010

Bolj malo


Bolj malo mi uspeva ustvarjati te dni. Za kakšne večje stvari ne utegnem niti materiala zvleči na kup, kaj šele, da bi par ur v miru delala.
/ I don't get to create much in these days. I don't even have time to bring the materials together, let alone sit and work for a few hours.

Le kakšna miniaturica nastane kar tako vmes.
/ I only manage to steal anough time to make a mini project here and there.

In tale... recimo sovica (amigurumi mojstrice, ne se mi smejat!) - Urški za srečno pot na njenem potovanju.
/ I also made this... let's say owl (masters of amigurumi, please don't laugh!) - for Urška, to wish her luck on her trip.

Pa nekaj kvačkank imam po vseh možnih torbah, da lahko, kadarkoli kam grem, naredim par centimetrov. Tu je ena od njih - perlice so lesene, 4-milimetrske, s Frogwilla, zaporedje 4 barv, kvačkano na 5, da se malo zamikajo.
/ And I have a half-finished crocheted necklace in every bag, so wherever I go, I can make a few more centrimetres. Here's one of them - 4-milimetre wooden beads, bought from Frogwill, with 4 colours strung in a sequence and crocheted in a 5-bead tube.

Se pa spet vidi barva tal in prvotna oblika polic v mojem kotičku. To pa je tudi nekaj.
/ But I can also see the colour of the floor and the original shape of shelves in my cabinet. Which is also a success.

20 julij 2010

Moj prvi


Moj prvi pejotek. Ja, so me premamile te male perlice, da sem si nabavila eno poskusno vrečko mešanice z rdečimi in roza perlicami, malo pogledala navodila, potem pa se je bilo treba samo še lotiti. Ni še končni izdelek, morda nikoli ne bo, ampak koncept je preizkušen, led je prebit, zdaj pa je treba samo še nadaljevati.
/ My first peyote project. Yes, I was finally tempted enough by these tiny beads to go and buy a little mix of red and pink ones, find the instructions and then all I had to do was to sit down to it. It's not a final product, it most probably never will be, but the technique has been tried out, so I will just have to continue.

Te male srčke pa posvečam vsem, ki se spominjate svojega prvega poljuba. Jaz svojega se. Danes od njega mineva 25 let. In za malo spominov in malo nostalgije dodajam še tri pesmi. Nič več ni treba reči...
/ I dedicate these little hearts to all of you who still remember your first kiss. I do remember mine. It happened on today's date, 25 years ago. That is why I'm adding three songs - for memories and a bit of nostalgia. No more words...

Lep dan vam želim / Have a lovely day


17 julij 2010


Po morju smo se odpravili še na dolgo obljubljan izlet v Nemčijo in obisk Legolanda.
/ After we returned from the seaside, we took a long promised trip to Germany and a visit to Legoland.

V hotel smo prispeli nekaj ur pred polfinalno tekmo Nemčija : Španija. Nogometno vzdušje smo od blizu in v živo doživeli v Ulmu. Ulice prazne, skoraj popolnoma opustele, ljudje pa zbrani pred ekrani, večjimi in manjšimi.
/ We arrived at the hotel a few hours before the semi-final match Germany : Spain. We experienced the football feeling in Ulm. The streets were almost totally empty, and people were gathered in front of monitors, big and small.

Tudi v samem središču mesta ni bilo ravno veliko sprehajalcev...
/ Not even in the town centre itself were there many strollers...

Čakaj, kaj je tisto tam, daleč spredaj, na sredi slike? Španska zastava? Neeee, saj ni...
/ Wait, what's that, far at the front, in the centre of the photo? A Spanish flag? Naaa, it can't be...

Jp, 100% pogum :)
/ Yep, 100% courage :)

Nekoliko pred koncem tekme smo se vrnili v hotel, se naspali in se naslednje jutro odpeljali do Legolanda.
/ A few minutes before the end of the game, we retured to the hotel, and next morning, we visited Legoland.

Poleg stalnega zabaviščnega dela, kjer smo se po mili volji navozili na vlakcih in ladjicah, in si ogledali vse razstavljeno,
/ Beside the theme park where we took as many rides on rollercoasters and boats as we wanted, and where we could see all the exhibited things,

so ravno takrat imeli dvakrat dnevno tudi predstavo kitajskega cirkusa. Absolutno za videt!
/ there was also a Chinese circus group performing twice each day. An absolute must-see!

Še nekaj osvežitvenih...
/ A few more refreshing ones...


Še eno noč smo prespali v istem hotelu, naslednji dan pa smo se na poti proti domu za nekaj ur ustavili še v Tehniškem muzeju v Münchnu.
/ We spent one more night in the same hotel and the next day, on our way back home, we spent a few hours visiting the Technical Museum in Munich.

Fajn je bilo.
/ The trip was fun.


16 julij 2010



Po dopustu so me pričakali trije taki medolinčki.
/ Three little huggy-bears were waiting for me when I got back from vacation.

En od Barbare, en od Špele in en od Tanje.
/ One from Barbara, one from Špela and one from Tanja.

Hvala, dekleta!
/ Thanks, girls!



- Nominiraj 10 blogeric za to nagrado
- Naredi objavo z nagrado in povej, kdo ti jo je podelil
- Obvesti nominirane blogerice
- Daj nagrado na svoj blog

The rules:

- Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
- Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
- Put the award on your blog.
- Let your nominated 10 know you’ve awarded them by leaving a comment.


Mojega medolinčka podeljujem naslednjim blogerkam:
/ I'm giving my huggy-bear to:



Po dopustu me je poleg medolinčkov že nestrpno čakalo tudi delo, tako da samo od daleč gledam moje škatlice in predalčke. Saj ne pravim, da bi v tej vročini kaj revolucionarnega naredila, ampak bi se pa prileglo ustvarjat...
/ Besides little bears, there was also a lot of work waiting for me, so I only get to look at all my boxes and drawers. I'm not saying I'd be able to do something big in this heat, but it would surely feel good to do some crafting...

Za lažje premagovanje vročine - no, ja, ali pa da vam bo še malo bolj vroče - pa vsem podarjam še tegale "medolinčka"...
/ And to all of you I'm giving this "huggy-bear" - to make this summer heat a bit less exhausting - or, well, to make you feel even hotter...


12 julij 2010

Fotke z morja


Pa ne tiste klasične - trajekt/plaža/zvečer v mestu - fotke z morja. Moje so večinoma nastala na jutranjem solo pohajkovanju - letos sem si zadala, da sem vstajala ob šestih in uživala v hladu in miru (za lenarjenje je bilo dovolj časa tudi pozneje, ko je bilo bolj vroče).

/ But not those classical - ferry/beach/evening in town - photos from the seaside. Mine were usually taken on my morning solo strolls - this year I managed to get up at six every morning and savour the chill and peace (there was enough time for laziness later, as it got hotter).

Nekaj rastlin / A few plants

Sivka (ja, seveda) / Lavender (well, naturally)

Plovila, takšna in drugačna / Different vessels

Nič nisem imela s tem. Res ne. (So še drugi pacienti.) :)
/ I had nothing to do with this. Really. (There are other nuts too.) :)

Fajn je bilo. / It was nice.


11 julij 2010

Kam sta šla?


Druga polovica junija in začetek julija namreč. Sploh ne morem verjeti, da bo že skoraj mesec od moje zadnje objave. V seznamu objav se vrstijo nove in nove krasote, jaz pa nisem uspela niti prebrati vsega, kaj šele, da bi komentirala ali objavila kaj novega.
/ Namely the second half of June and the beginning of July. I simply can't believe that it's been almost a month since my last post. So many beautiful things shown in other people's blogs, and I didn't even have time to read everything, let alone comment or post something new.

Junij je bil še poln dela, pa prireditev in obveznosti ob koncu šolskega leta, pa priprav darilc za učitelje, ob vsem tem pa sem se lotila še enega malo večjega spominskega albuma.
/ June was filled with work, and events and obligations for the end of the school year, we had some presents for teachers to prepare, and I started making a bit larger scrapbook.

Zadnji teden junija pa smo preživeli na Pagu.
/ We spent the last week in June on the island Pag.

/ The sea.

/ Switch-off.

Branje. Zdaj vem, zakaj čez leto skoraj nič ne berem - ker takrat, ko začnem, ne neham...
/ Reading. Now I know why I hardly read anything during the year - once I start, I just can't stop...

Salvo Montalbano - drugič, tretjič in četrtič
/ Salvo Montalbano - the second, the third, the fourth case

Pa Alex Cross - že nekaj časa nisem brala Pattersona; prve štiri knjige iz Cross-serije sem brala po vrsti, tokrat pa sem v knjižnici vzela edino, ki so jo imeli v angleščini.
/ And Alex Cross - I haven't read Patterson for quite a while now; I read the first four books from the Cross-series in order, but this time, I just grabbed the only one that was available in English.

Pa Bella in Edward - ne, filmov še nisem gledala in jih nameravam gledati šele, ko preberem vse knjige, ampak šment, Cedric Diggory je ves čas nekje zraven ;)
/ And Bella and Edward - no, I haven't seen the movies and I don't intend to watch them until I have read the entire saga, but darn, Cedric Diggory is somewhere around all the time ;)

Nekaj sem tudi ustvarjala, pa ne prav veliko.
/ I spent some time crafting as well, but not really much.

Sem pa prvič po desetih letih zopet sestavila stojali in z mravljičicama cel teden, vsak dan malo "packala" po svili.
/ However, I assembled my silk painting frames for the first time after ten years, and my girls and I had the whole week of silk-painting-and-colouring fun.
