04 december 2011

Decembrske drobnarije (2)


Po dolgem času nekaj iz DAS mase. Razvaljano, odtisnjeno, tekstura brusnega papirja, izrezano z okroglim modelčkom. Čisto enostavno.
/ Something made of DAS after a long time. Rolled out, stamped, sanding paper texture, cut out with a round cutter. Totally easy.

Odtis brez barve - taki beli so mi tudi všeč.
/ Stamped without inking - I like them white just as well.

Z oblikovanjem zadnje strani se nisem preveč trudila, ampak ker obstaja možnost, da bodo krogci kje viseli, sem zadnjo stran prelepila s papirjem s teksturo platna in obrezala.
/ I didn't put too much effort in finishing the back side. However, as there is a chance that these circles will be hanging somewhere, I adhered some canvas-textured paper and cut around the edges.

Pa še nekaj obeskov za telefon - iz čisto naključno izbranih škatlic s kamenčki in ostalimi delčki za nakit.
/ And a few mobile phone hangers - from randomly picked boxes with stone chips and other beading supplies.

Lepo nedeljo vam želim.
/ Have a nice Sunday.
