Ko sem bila majhna, smo vsa darila zavijali v papir, prevezali s trakom in ga zavezali v pentljo. Ali v celofan (tista za bolj fensi priložnosti), stisnjen skupaj s trakcem, da je na vrhu nastala roža, ki ga je bilo treba potem na koncu obvezno še malo oblikovati s škarjami. In trakec smo tudi vedno nafrfrali :)
Izjema so bila darila pod novoletno jelko, ki so bila pri nas vedno v vrečah iz jute, zavezanih s tisto debelo špago, na kateri so bili obešeni kartončki z imeni. (To mi je še vedno prva asociacija ob vonju jute.)
Potem smo poskušali biti malo inovativni in drugačni. Pa smo darila zavijali v obliki bonbonov, pa v razne tulce, pa v blago, pa sami smo delali škatle, itd.
Potem pa so prišle darilne vrečke. V različnih velikostih in barvah, z motivi za vsako priložnost. In o zavijanju niti ni treba več kaj dosti razmišljati...
/ When I was a little girl, we used to wrap all presents in paper, tie a ribbon around them and make a bow. Or in cellophane (those for fancier occassions), pressed and tied together at the top, and always trimmed a bit at the end. And we always had to swirl the ribbon with the scissors :)
The only exceptions were the presents under our Christmas tree - packed in jute bags and tied with that thick string and our name tags hanging from it. (This is still my first assossiation whenever I sense the smell of jute).
Then, we tried to be more innovative, different. And we wrapped our gifts in the shape of a candy, in rolls, in fabric, made the boxes ourselves, etc.
And then there came the gift bags. In all shapes and sizes, with motives for all occassions. And now there is no need to put much thought and effort in gift wrapping...
Jaz se še trudim. Predvsem škatle pravilnih oblik vedno zavijem sama. In se potrudim pri pentlji :)
/ I still do. Particularly the regular shaped boxes. And I do take some effort in making a nice bow :)
Tale je malo drugačna od čisto klasično zavezane (in mogoče bo še komu prišla prav).
/ This one is a bit different from those tied in a normal manner (maybe some of you will find it useful).
Škatlo obdamo z enim trakom po širini in z drugim po dolžini (brez vezanja). Vsakega posebej zlepimo skupaj na spodnji strani darila. Na zgornji strani na mestu, kjer se križata, vstavimo še en krajši trak, ga zlepimo v krog in prilepimo tako, da zlepljen del skrijemo pod zgornji trak. Nato ga s tankim trakcem ali vrvico prevežemo po širini in vrvico zvežemo v pentljo.
/ We take two ribbons, wrap them around the box and tape them together at the bottom. At the top, we insert another short piece of ribbon at the spot where both ribbons cross. We tape it together to form a circle and attach it to the box underneath the top ribbon. Then we take a piece of thin ribbon or string, tie it around the ribbon and pull and tie both ends together to form a bow.
Veliko veselja in zabave pri zavijanju, pakiranju in dajanju daril vem želim :)
/ Have a lot of joy and fun wrapping, packing and giving presents :)