Gospa je bila navdušena nad barvami in oblikami.
In je želela še prstan. Tak malo večji.
In uhane. Samo da še ni bila prepričana, če bi raje ožje ali širše.
Viseče. Z dvema roza kroglicama. Kot na ogrlici.
/ The lady was thrilled about the colours and shapes.
And she wished to have a ring as well. A large one.
And earrings. She just wasn't sure about the width.
Dangling ones. With two pink beads each. Just like on the necklace.
Aja, samo take za pripet. Ker lukenj pa nima.
Aha. OK. OK? Hm. Uh...
Poskusimo z rozetkami in Glossy Accents (tekoča plastična masa, ki se strdi na zraku, deluje kot lepilo, ostane prozorna in se lepo sveti).
Oh, and they should be on clips. Because she doesn't have pierced ears.
Yeah. OK. OK? Hm. Oh...
Well, let's try with bead caps and Glossy Accents (air-hardening liquid plastic, can be used as glue, transparent and shiny).
Bila sem skeptična, zdaj pa sem zadovoljna. Upam, da bo naročnica tudi.
/ I was sceptical, but now I'm pleased with the result. I hope she will be too.
Ogrlica, prstan in uhani. Po en primerek vsake širine, da se bo lahko odločila, zraven pa nesem še od vsakega po eno rezervo. In klešče.
/ A necklace, a ring the earrings. One sample for each width so that she can decide. I'm taking the matching pairs with me. And some pliers.
Še z enim izzivom sem se ukvarjala zadnje dni. Pokažem, ko "ura odbila bo polnoč in čez..." ;)
/ I was busy with another challenge in the last few days. I'll show it to you somewhere after midnight.