09 december 2011

Jesenska olimpijada


Še tokratna objava v jesenskih barvah. Ampak tokrat so krogi. Vzorce sem videla pri Klavdiji, eksperimentirala pa sem sama. Ker jih je nastalo pet, so me spomnili na olimpijske igre.
/ Another post in autum colours. But this time it's circles. I saw them at Klavdija's and did some experimenting myself. As I made five of them, they made me think of the Olympic Games.

Pa me je prevzel olimpijski duh... zato vam pokažem, kako sem jih naredila. Predvidevam, da bodo tistim, ki se boste tega lotili, slike zadostovale, sicer pa veste, kje me najdete ;)
/ So I got overwhelmed by the olympic spirit... so I thought I'd show you how I made them. I think that for those of you who will go and try it out, the photos will suffice, but otherwise - you know where to find me ;)

Mojih pet, še enkrat, vsak zase.
/ My set of five, once again, individually.

Lep vikend vam želim.
/ Have a nice weekend.
