Klavdija si je izmislila igrico. Na pot je poslala škatlo svojih fimo kroglic. Škatla potuje od postaje do postaje, nekatere kroglice izstopijo, druge vstopijo. Moja postaja je bila četrta, po obisku pri Neži, v Fimolandiji in pri Dunji.
/ Klavdija thought of a game. She sent a box filled with her fimo beads on a journey. The box travels from station to station, some beads exit, some beads enter. My station was fourth in the row, after the box visited Neža, Fimolandija and Dunja.
Te kroglice so izstopile na moji postaji:
/ These beads exited at my station:
Odločitev ni bila lahka. Malo sem imela pred očmi, da jih bom morala še sestaviti v kos nakita, pa sem vseeno jemala različne kombinacije ven, jih vračala, občudovala...
/ It was not an easy decision. I had in mind that I was supposed to assemble them intoa piece of jewelry, and I kept taking out various combinations, returning them admiring them...
Ko sem se končno odločila, sem v skladu s pravili v škatlo dala svoj prispevek.
/ When I finally made my choice, I put my contribution into the box - according to the rules.
Malo drugačne so kot dosedanje. Ena "natrgana", ena "Google", en vulkanski kamen, tri v stilu "Bang on the Door", ena s kvadratki in ena z rožicami. Upam, da bodo kateri od punc, ki še čakajo na svojih postajah, všeč in uporabne.
/ They're a bit different compared to those already in the box. One "torn", one "Google", one volcanic pebble, three times "Bang on the Door", one with little squares and one with little flowers. I hope the girls who are still waiting at their stations will like some of them and find them useful.
Tale pa je šla v posebno vrečko, kjer se zbira končna nagrada:
/ And this one went to the special bag where the final prize is being collected:
Vsebina škatlice, ki je že na poti h Katki:
/ The contents of the box which is already on its way to Katka:
Sem prav radovedna, kaj vse bodo punce še prispevale, ustvarile, pokazale.
/ I can't wait to see the things the girls will contribute, create, show.
Klavdija, hvala za tole fajno igro!
/ Klavdija, thank you for this great game!