Ugotovila sem, da imam še nekaj neobjavljenih slik mojih zadnjih fimo seans.
In ugotovila sem, da mi naslednjih nekaj dni situacija ne bo dopuščala ustvarjanja ali kakšnega dolgega pisanja.
In da ne prekinem toka objav, je za naslednjih nekaj dni na vrsti serija "Brez besed". Nekaj izdelkov v znanih tehnikah, tako da mi jih res ni treba opisovati.
Vam pa ni treba biti "brez besed" :)
I've realised that this month I've managed to write a post every day so far.
I've realised that I've got some more photos of my last fimo sessions that I haven't shown you yet.
And I've realised that due to my present situation, I won't be able to create or write much in the next few days.
So in order not to interrupt the series of posts, I'll be showing the "No words" series for a few days.
Some of my pieces in well-known techniques, so I really don't have to describe anything.
However, you don't have to be "without words", though :)