Že kar nekaj časa nisem naredila kakšne stvari za moj najljubši izziv, kjer je poleg tedenskih zahtev vedno treba uporabiti vsaj en Penny Black motiv. Izziv tega tedna so: GUMBI.
Pa sem poskusila narediti poletno bluzico, ki se zapenja z gumbi in v notranjosti še nekaj skriva (kot vsaka bluza).
/ It's been quite some time since I last made something for my favourite challenge where it is necessary to follow weekly requirements and always use at least one Penny Black stamped image. This week's challenge is: BUTTONS GALORE
So I went and tried to make this summer blouse that can be buttoned up and also hides something inside (as any other blouse does).
The complete text of the card (sorry about the glare): "best things ... aren't always obvious at first sight"
Za domače potrebe sem pripravila tudi besedilo v slovenščini.
/ For local purposes, I prepared the text in Slovenian language as well.
besedilo: "najboljše stvari ... niso vedno očitne na prvi pogled"
Malo za hec, malo pa je tudi skrite resnice...
/ A bit for fun, but there is also some thruth hidden in the message...