26 april 2010

Tarča posmeha


... sem bila, ko sem bila na zadnjem kofetkanju spet glavna zbiralka smeti.
Padli so tudi komentarji o mojem psihiatru in dvomi o njegovi profesionalni sposobnosti.
/ That's what I was when I was the main waste collector at our last coffee session. There were also some comments about my shrink, and doubts were expressed about his professional expertise.

Predmet nezaslišanosti je bila embalaža od spiral za Bind-it-All.
/ The subject of outrageousness was the packaging of Bind-it-All spirals.

Ampak iz mojega zornega kota (od zgoraj navzdol, v vrečko) sem v njih videla potencial...
/ But from my point of view (downwards, into the bag), I saw certain potential in them...

Drage punčke, tale šopek je za vas :)
Ker vas imam rada in ker mi je v vaši družbi vedno fajn.
/ Dear girls, this bouquet is for you :)
Because I love you and I always enjoy being in your company.

Zalivalka je po načrtu s tega linka, videna tudi vsaj pri eni naši ustvarjalki.
/ The watering can was made according to the template found here, also seen on at least one Slovenian craft blog.
