/ I don't watch any "telenovela". But I do watch several CSI, FBI, lawyer, detective and doctor series. Both American and British. And of course I have a certain character in each series "to lay my eyes on".
Jp, vsi trije. Med drugimi.
/ Yep, all three of them. Among others.

(vir/source: http://www.buzzine.com)
In potem sem pred kratkim slučajno ugotovila, da je v nanizankah, ki jih gledam, vsem najbolj gledljivim likom ime Danny.
/ And then recently I realised that in many shows that I watch, the most watchable character's name is Danny.
Danny Taylor (Enrique Murziano / Without a Trace)

Danny Reyes (Kevin Alejandro / Shark)

Danny Messer (Carmine Giovinazzo / CSI New York)

Danny McCoy (Josh Duhamel / Las Vegas)

In še en, ki je sicer Scotty, ampak ga igra Danny (Pino / Cold Case)
/ And another one, who is actually Scotty, but the actor's name is Danny (Pino / Cold Case)

Pa še en, ki ni iz nanizanke, ampak čisto ta pravi / And another one, not a TV character, but very very real
Danny Jones (McFly)

Ampak danes zvečer bosta pa druga dva za učke spočit. / But tonight, we've got two other hunks to lay our eyes on.
Commodus & Maximus.

Kako že reče Polona? Hormonske motnje?
Pa kaj! Uživajte.
/ What does Polona call this? Hormonal disorder?
So what! Enjoy.