Kosov torte namreč. Papirnate. Za starejšo mravljičico, ki praznuje v teh dneh.
Ki je tudi želela "pogostiti" prijatelje. Da ne bi samo sestra.
/ Pieces of cake namely. Paper ones. For my older daughter who is celebrating her birthday in these days. And who also wanted to "treat" her friends. Just like her sister.
Štiriindvajsetkrat izrezano, zgibano, poštempljano, pobarvano, zlepljeno in napolnjeno.
/ Twenty-four times cut out, folded, stamped, coloured, glued together and filled.
Zloženo v dva kroga. Vsak obdan z gumico in dodatnim trakcem.
/ Assembled in two circles. Secured with a rubber band and tied with a ribbon.
V dveh nadstropjih, na vrhu pa še "darilček" za razredničarko.
/ In two levels, with a little "present" for the teacher on the top.
Med obilico dela mi je šlo po glavi dvoje:
- še dobro, da imamo samo dva otroka
- nas je bilo v srednji šoli v razredu sedemintrideset...
/ While I was working, two things were on my mind:
- it's OK we've got only two kids
- there were thirty-seven of us in my class in the middle school...
Slavljenka navdušena - projekt uspel!
/ The birthday girl was thrilled - the project was a success!