Če bi mi pred časom kdo rekel, da bom kdaj prijavljala kakšno svojo scrapbook stran na kakšen izziv, bi ga vprašala, če je z Marsa padel. Ampak, glejte me...
/ If somebody said to me some time ago that I will be contributing a scrapbooking layout for a challenge, I would ask them about their mental health. But, look at me now...

Takoj, ko sem videla fotografijo, ki je bila pri CRAFT-alnici objavljena za inspiracijo za tretji izziv, sem vedela, da bo moj izdelek vseboval meni najljubšo fotografijo mojega dedija. A nekako se nisem mogla pripraviti do tega, da bi naredila pravo SB stran, z rezanjem, lepljenjem, dodatki... Ker so mi ta in ostale fotografije preveč dragocene. Zato sem poskusila nekaj narediti v digitalni smeri. Malo sem lovila barvno shemo, slika vsebuje tudi rožico, svečka in pisalo pa sta mi predstavljali simbol spomina.
/ As soon as I saw the photo that serves as an inspiration or the third challenge at CRAFT-alnica, I knew that my contribution would include my favourite photo of my Grandpa. But I somehow couldn't bring myself to making a real scrapbook page, with all the cutting and adhering and add-ons... Because this photo and all the others are just too precious for me. So I tried to make something digital. I tried to capture the colour scheme, the photo includes a flower, and the candle and the pen represent a symbol of remembering.
Sliko objavljam danes, ker bi danes naš dedi, če bi še bil z nami, praznoval rojstni dan.
/ I'm posting this today because today it would be my Grandpa's birthday if he was still with us.
Elementi za digitalno scrapbooking / Digital scrapbooking elements: Shabby Princess
Merilni trak / Measuring tape: milanmark.wordpress.com