31 december 2008

Preden se obrne nov list

Za zaključek letošnjih ustvarjanj in obdarovanj objavljam še nekaj fotografij prejetih ali podarjenih voščilnic in izdelkov.


To wrap up this year's creating and giving gifts, I'm posting a few more cards and presents, either received or given.

Najprej voščilnice za swap prazničnih čestitk, ki ga je na Otoku zakladov organizirala Čebelica. / First of all, cards for the holiday card swap organised on the Treasure Island by Čebelica.

Vsaka sodelujoča je izdelala pet enakih ali podobnih voščilnic in jih poslala petim prejemnicam, tako da je na koncu vsaka prejela pet različnih voščilnic. / Every participant made five identical or similar cards and sent them to five recipients, so every one ended up with five different cards.

Ena od mojih / One of mine

Vseh pet / All five

Pa še tiste, ki sem jih prejela: / And those I received:






Darilo za sodelovanje v prazničnem swapu, ki ga je organizirala Tulpika / My present for the participation in the holiday swap organised by Tulpika

Darilo, ki sem ga v istem swapu prejela od Suzy / The present I received from Suzy in the same swap

In še darilo organizatorke zadnjega letošnjega srečanja, Atenke / And the present we got from Atenka who organised this year's last meeting

Na srečanju sem sodelovala tudi v izmenjavi okraskov za novoletno jelko - avtorica te srčkane kroglice je Gumbek / At the meeting, I also participated in the New Year's ornament swap - this cute little bauble was made by Gumbek

Tole FIMO figurico sem dobila od Lili / I got this little FIMO figurine from Lili

Tole krasno vijolično čipko v svečniku mi je naredila Lidočka / This wonderful purple lace in the candle holder was made by Lidočka

Kaja75 pa mi je podarila tole čudovito škatlo, polno papirnih dobrot / And Kaja75 gave me this gorgeous box full of paper delicacies



26 december 2008

Na božično jutro...


... smo žrebali bonbonček.
... the winner was chosen.

The participants

Škratkici sta pripravili srečke
Little elf girls prepared the raffle tickets

Kosmata roka - šele drugič, pa že nepogrešljiva :D
Hairy hand - only for the second time and yet already indispensable :D

And the WINNER

In slika bonbončka
And a photo of the candy

Nekaj prtičkov, SB papirja, malo skrčljive folije (za preizkusit), izštancanih dodatkov, suhih rožic in mojih najnovejših valentinčkastih Penny Black odtiskov.
Some paper napkins, some SB paper, a bot of shrink plastic (to try out), punched shapes, dried flowers and my brand new "valentiny" Penny Black stamped images.

Čestitke zmagovalki in še naprej prijetne trenutke vsem!
Congratulations to the winner and many more pleasant moments to you all!


21 december 2008

Toliko za nadoknadit

Najprej bonbonček!!!

Tako sem ga obljubljala, in številka 20000 je že tudi zdavnaj presežena, zato zdaj za vse moje zveste in naključne bralce objavljam


In ker je božični čas, bo njegova vsebina presenečenje.

In ker je božični čas, ni za sodelovanje v žrebanju potrebno nič drugega kot komentarček pri tej objavi.

In ker je božični čas, bo žrebanje v času, ko tudi Božiček nosi darila - 25. decembra v zgodnjih jutranjih urah. V žrebanju boste sodelovali vsi, ki boste svoj komentar oddali najkasneje 24. decembra do 23.59.


First of all, a candy!!!

I've been promising it for quite a while, and number 20000 was exceeded long ago, so now I'm announcing - for all my loyal and incidental readers -


And since it's Christmas time, its contents is going to be a surprise.

And since it's Christmas time, you only need to leave a little comment for this post in order to participate.

And since it's Christmas time, the raffle will be held at the time when Santa is bringing presents - in the early morning hours of the 25th December. If you wish to participate, leave your comment by 24th December, 11:59 p.m.


Včeraj smo v Izlakah imele letošnje zadnje uradno srečanje Otoka zakladov. Kot vedno je bilo zelo prijetno, z veliko klepeta, izmenjav darilc, materialov in idej, veliko smeha. / Yesterday, this year's last official meeting of the Treasure Island was organised in Izlake. As always, we had a very pleasant time, full of chatting, exchanging presents, materials and ideas, and lots of laughter.

In spet je bilo pred srečanjem kar nekaj priprav (izdelki za razstavo, materiali za menjavo, darilo za gostiteljico, tema mačka v žaklju pa je bila tokrat "okrasek za božično drevesce". / And quite some preparation was necessary, as always before such meetings (creations for the exhibition, materials for exchanges, a present for the host and a hidden present - this time, the topic was "an ornament for the Christmas tree".

Za gostiteljico Anito sem pripravila darilce - "Ustvarjalno ozimnico". / For our host Anita, I prepared these "pickled crafting materials".

V kozarec sem naložila razne čestitkarske drobnarije. Upam, da ji bodo prišle prav. / I took a jar and put various card-making thingies is it. I hope she'll find them useful.

In tole je moj okrasek - malo sem se poigrala z modularnim origamijem. / And this is my ornament - I played a bit with modular origami.

Uporabila sem tanek (rižev) darilni papir, po navodilih, ki sem jih našla na fantastični strani Folding Trees, iz kvadratkov 2,5 x 2,5 cm izdelala 60 cvetnih lističev, jih po pet združila v dvanajst rožic in zlepila v kroglo. / I used thin (rice) gift wrapping paper, followed the instructions that I found on a fantastic website Folding Trees, and made 60 petals from squares 2.5 by 2.5 cm, joined five by five together to make twelve flowers and glued them all together in a ball.

In toliko še moram narediti. In toooooliko bi še rada naredila! / And there is still so much to be done. And there is still soooooooo much I'd like to do!


17 december 2008

Darilca in opravilca


1. Najprej prašički, ki so skupaj s torbicami šli na bazar. Narejeni so iz FIMO mase, običajno jih naredim okrog 40 iz enega paketa, največkrat so enobarvni, a sem jih delala že tudi dvobarvne. Večinoma jih naredim kot stoječe figurice, enkrat pa sem jim dodala kaveljček, da se jih je dalo obesiti na verižico.
/ 1. First of all, the piglets that went, together with my little bags, to the bazaar. They are made of FIMO, I usually make around 40 of them from one block, thea are mostly of one colour, but I've made them in two colours as well. I usually make them as standing figurines; once I tried and added them little hooks to make little pendants for a necklace.

2. Včeraj me je z darilcem iz igre Podaj naprej, z romantično beležkico razveselila Lenčka. (Njene fotke so dosti boljše od mojih, zato si beležko raje oglejte v njeni objavi.) Darilce me je spomnilo, da bi jaz tudi lahko še letos obdarila Suzy in Mariko, ki sta nadaljevanje igre prevzeli na mojem blogu. Se bom potrudila!
/ 2. Yesterday, I got a little present for the game Pass it on, a romantic little notebook from Lenčka. (Her photos of the present are much better than mine, so please take a look at the notebook on her blog.) The present reminded me that I could make and send my presents for Suzy and Marika, who continued the game on their blogs, before the end of the year. I'll do my best!

3. Sliko darilca za božični swap, ki ga na Otoku zakladov organizira Tulpika, sem že poslala, darilce gre na pot jutri, slikico pa bom pokazala, ko bo album odprt (interna pravila).
/ 3. I've already sent a photo of the present for the Christmas swap organised on the Treasure Island by Tulpika. I'm sending the present itself tomorrow, and I'll show you the photo when the album is opened (Island rules).

4. Oddala in prejela sem tudi po pet voščilnic v swapu, ki ga je, prav tako na Otoku zakladov, oranizirala Cebelica. Slikice prav tako pokažem kasneje.
/ 4. And I also sent and received five cards in the swap organised on the Island by Cebelica. I'll show these photos later as well.

5. Pred objavo bonbončka pa še eno mini darilce - en mini nasvet, ki bo morda komu prišel prav: že nekaj časa se trudim, da bi vsaj nekoliko očistila bele kovinske table, ki jih imamo na steni v hodniku in nanje lepimo, pritrjujemo z magnetki in pišemo s flomastri. No, ti flomastri so bili precej problematični - ko sem table obrisala, so na njih ostale sledi, ki jih nisem mogla odstraniti ne z mokro krpo, ne s čistilnim robčkom, ne z alkoholom, ne z razmaščevalcem... Včeraj pa: ideja! StazOn čistilo za črnilo! Sem poskusila in je šlo! Kot na reklamah :)
/ 5. And before I post my blog candy, I'm giving you a little present - a mini advice that some of you might find useful: I've been trying for quite some time now to clean our white boards that we have on the wall in the hall and we stick things to them and write on them. Well, the markers were the problem - when I tried to wipe the boards, I just couldn't get rid of the markers's stains. I tried damp cloth, cleaning tissue, alcohol, kitchen cleaner... And yesterday: an idea! StazOn cleaner! I tried and it worked! Like in commercials :)


16 december 2008

Snežko snežak

od Rachelle Anne Miller, za izziv, ki ga je BojaMoja objavila na Otoku zakladov. Poskušala sem ustvariti vtis snežne krogle, zato sem snežaka izrezala z okroglo šablono, pobarvala, posula z bleščicami in premazala z lakom. Dodala sem še kos srebrnega kartona za podstavek in nekaj majhnih dodatkov.

by Rachelle Anne Miller, for the challenge posted by BojaMoja on the Treasure Island. I tried to make it look like a snowball, so I cut the snowman out with the Shape Cutter, coloured it, sprinkled some glitter on it and covered it with some glossy varnish. I added a piece of silver card for the base and some small embellishments.


14 december 2008

Torbice in bonbončki


Za malo predaha od voščilnic danes objavljam slike mojih malih torbic - čisto preprosto spletene, z dodanim gumbkom, ročajčki in obročkom za ključe, pa že bingljajo s kakšnega šopa ključev, mobilca, torbe... / To take a break from all the cards, I'm posting some photos of my little bags - simply knitted, with a little button added, little handles and a key ring, and you can already see them dangling from a bunch of keys, a mobile phone, a handbag...

Spodnjih štiriindvajset sem letos podarila za decembrski bazar v našem mestu. / I gave away these twenty-four bags for this year's December bazaar in our town.

In če torbic še niste videli v živo, še ena slika za boljšo predstavo o velikosti (mreža je v cm). / And if you haven't seen the bags yet, here's a photo for a better sense of their size (the grid is in centimetres).

Pa še bonbončki:
Svojega objavlja Sandra, a je njegova vsebina zaenkrat še presenečenje. Enega pa bom kmalu pripravila tudi jaz - glede na števec... Kako se stvari spreminjajo. Če bi mi lani decembra kdo rekel, da bo moj blog sploh kdaj dosegel deset tisoč obiskov, bi se mu samo smejala. Zdaj jih bo pa že dvajset tisoč! No, enkrat te dni vas povabim na sladkanje.

And candies:
Sandra is offering her blog candy - its contents is a surprise for now. And I'll be offering one real soon - according to my counter... Amazing how things change. If anyone had said to me last December that my blog would ever reach ten thousand visits, I would have laughed at them. But now we're pushing twenty thousand, my blog and I! Well anyway, I'll be inviting you for some sweetness in the next few days.


13 december 2008

Proti koncu gre


Še nekaj kompletkov sem uspela narediti. / I've made a few more sets.

Snežakci, pobarvani s perl vodenkami, so bili namenjeni na svetlejšo podlago, ko pa sem se še nekaj trudila s tistimi modrimi s srebrnimi zvezdicami, ki mi niso bile čisto "taprave", mi je slučajno ena sličica padla na temnejšo podlago - in so bili kar hitro vsi narejeni. / The little snowmen, coloured with pearly watercolours, were intended for a lighter background, but while I was trying to do something with the blue cards with silver stars that somehow just didn't feel right, one of the stamped circles fell on the darker background - and I had ten of them finished very soon.

Pa še ene malo bolj umirjene - zlate nalepke sem nalepila na prozorno folijo in izrezala, da sem jih lahko obesila na trakec. / This set is a bit less vivacious - I took golden stickers, put them on a transparent foil and cut them out so that I was able to hang them on the ribbon.

Naredila sem še eno rundo snežakov (takšnih, kot sem jih pokazala pred dnevi), voščilnice za božični swap na Otoku zakladov (pokažem pozneje), pa en kupček jelenčkov imam še v delu. / I made another set of snowmen (like the ones I showed you a few days ago), cards for the Christmas card swap at our Treasure Island (I'll be showing them later), and I've got a pile of reindeer to finish.

Potem bo pa počasi dovolj. Skoraj sto jih že ima novega (začasnega) lastnika, nekaj pa jih potrebujemo tudi mi, da odnesejo naše dobre želje ljudem, ki jih imamo radi. / And this will be enough, I guess. Almost a hundred of my cards already have their new (temporary) owner, and we need some of them to carry our good wishes to the people we care for.


11 december 2008

Še nekaj jih imam


Voščilnic namreč. / Cards, I mean.

Najprej obljubljene vijolične in roza Tildike. / First of all, the promised Tildas in purple and pink.

Kompletek modrih s srebrnimi zvezdicami. / A set of blue ones with silver stars.

Pa kompletek, ki diši po cimetu. / And a set that smells like cinnamon.

Ena izmed njih, še od blizu: / One of them, a close-up:

Jutri pa pokažem, kaj bo nastalo iz tega kupčka. / Tomorrow I'll show you the results of this pile.

Pa še nekaj materiala imam... Da ne govorim o idejah... / And I've got some more material... Not to mention the ideas...


09 december 2008

Proizvodnja se nadaljuje...


... in jaz neizmerno uživam - zdaj, ko sem že mimo faze zbiranja idej in kombiniranja in planiranja, in samo še barvam in sestavljam in lepim in krasim. / ... and I'm enjoying myself immensely - now that I'm pass the phase of collecting ideas and combining and planning, and am merely colouring and putting together and adhering and embellishing.

Še nekaj rezultatov vam lahko pokažem. / I can show you a few more results.

Najprej moja čreda (naredila sem jih dvakrat toliko, kot jih je na sliki). / First of all, my herd (I made twice as many of them as there are in the photo).

Pa "patchwork" odejice. / And patchwork-blankets.

Pa Božički - z istega papirja kot snežaki v prejšnji objavi. / And Santas - from the same paper as the snowmen in the previous post.

In še Božički in drugi z enega drugega darilnega papirja. / And some more Santas & Co. from another gift wrapping paper.

Grem še malo delat - nimam še dovolj... / I'm going back to make some more - I haven't had enough yet...

p.s.:Juhuhu, Bones! :)
p.s.: Yippie, Bones! :)
