Zgodaj zjutraj, ko je kosmata roka še spala, sem vstala in pripravila imena za žrebanje. Prav prikladno se mi je zdelo, da sem jih naložila v predalčke.
/ Early in the morning, when the hairy hand was still asleep, I got up and prepared the names for the draw. It seemed very appropriate to put them in the drawers.
Predalčke sem zaprla in počakala, da se mravljišče prebudi.
/ I closed all the drawers and waited for everyone else to wake up.
. . .
Kosmata roka je - sicer še z zaspanimi očmi - spet poskrbela za dramatičnost trenutka...
/ Still with sleepy eyes, the hairy hand wanted to add some drama to the moment again.
... in izžrebala...
/ ... and the winner is...
Alika, čestitke! Sporoči, če ti škatlo pošljem, da jo začnete jutri uporabljati, ali ti jo predam, ko se vidiva. / Alika, congratulations!
komentar št. 1, starejša mravljičica - na fotke: Tu se sploh ne vidi, da je kosmata roka res kosmata.
komentar št. 2, mlajša mravljičica - na žrebanje: Vedno sam ta kosmata roka žreba! Kdaj bo pa kosmata rokica prišla na vrsto?
comment No 1, by older daughter - on the photos: You cannot even tell that the hairy hand is actually hairy.
comment No 2, by younger daughter - on the method of selecting the winner: It's always this hairy hand drawing the winners! And when is it the little hairy hand's turn?