Za eno drevesnico smrečic in za eno krojaško delavnico gumbov.
/ Trees for a whole tree nursery and buttons for a whole tailor's shop.
In obvezno belo Sakura gel pisalo.
/ And obligatory white Sakura gel pen.
Nekaj sem jih že napakirala v škatlo, da bodo odšle naprej. :)
/ I packed some in the box so they'll be ready for the road.
Pa še eno - v bistvu precej grozljivo - dejstvo: za teh sedemdeset voščilnic sem namensko nabavila samo eko karton za osnove in en komplet 20 belih gumbkov. Vse ostalo je že bilo doma. Pa še za kar nekaj kompletkov je. Da ne govorim o posamičnih. Ki pa mi ne ležijo preveč - neizmerno občudujem vse, ki uspejo/uspete ustvarit dvajset, trideset in še več različnih božičnih in novoletnih voščilnic.
/ And there's one more - quite scary, actually - fact: the only material I had to buy for these cards was the cardboard for the bases and a set of 20 white buttons. I had everything else at home. Ant there's enough material for quite some more sets. Not to mention single ones. Which I'm not really good at - I immensely admire all of those/you who manage to make twenty, thirty and even more different Christmas and New Year's cards.