Tile so nastali že pred časom. V škatli za Fimo sem imela kar precej ostankov, pa sem jih v nekaj rundah prevaljala skozi strojček za testenine, da sem dobila kose enakomerne barve. Razdelila sem jih na manjše koščke, oblikovala kamenčke, jih povaljala v soli, naredila luknjice in jih spekla na stojalu.
/ I made these quite some time ago. I took some leftovers from my Fimo box and rolled them with my pasta machine to get a few larger monochromatic pieces. I cut them to smaller pieces, formed the pebbles, rolled them in salt, made holes and baked them on the stand.
Stojalo je domače izdelave - nekaj zobotrebcev nalepljenih v luknjice, navrtane v odpadno deščico. Ni za razstavo, je pa zelo uporabno pri sušenju DAS ali peki Fimo kroglic in kamenčkov. Še posebej, ko hočem narediti luknjice: če kroglico držim s prsti, medtem ko na obeh straneh delam luknjico, se kroglica vedno vsaj nekoliko deformira. Tukaj pa jo položim na zobotrebec, zelo narahlo pritisnem, da obstane na zobotrebcu, nato pa vzamem še en zobotrebec in z njim naredim luknjico z vrha, istočasno pa se kroglica potiska navzdol, tako da nastaja luknjica tudi s spodnje strani, nato pa ostane na stojalu, ne da bi se je morala sploh dotikati.
/ The stand is home made - a few toothpicks glued into holes drilled in a little piece of wood. Not for an exhibition, but very useful for drying DAS or baking Fimo balls or pebbles. Especially when I need holes: if I hold the ball with fingers while poking holed on both sides, the ball always gets at least a little bit distorted. But here I put it on on toothpick, press very gently so that it remains on the toothpick, and then I take another toothpick and make a hole from the top, pushing the ball downwards and making the hole in the bottom at the same time. The ball then remains on the stand without me having to touch it at all.
Še kamenčki na vrvici / Pebbles on the string