Od zadnje objave je spet minilo več kot teden, vmes pa sem v različnem tempu in obsegu delala v smeri, da je bilo včeraj dokončanih sedem kompletov voščilnic. Med njimi tudi te s Tildami.
/ It's been more than a week from my last post, and in the meantime, I worked - at different pace and scope - and ended up with seven sets of cards yesterday, including these with Tildas.
Ja, sedem kompletov po deset :)
/ Yes, seven sets of ten :)
Veliko vmesnih korakov in operacij sem naredila kar tako, mimogrede: med gledanjem televizije sem šivala gumbe, med čakanjem v glasbeni šoli sem barvala in izrezovala, včasih je bil rezalnik nekaj časa glavna zvezda... Potem pa so kompletki kar nekako naenkrat "skočili" skupaj.
/ I did many steps of the process just so, by the way: I sewed buttons while watching TV, I coloured and cut out motives while waiting in the music school, sometimes I only used the paper cutter... And then, the sets suddenly just "jumped" together.
Danes pokažem še enega - pri teh voščilnicah sem šla na čisti minimalizem.
/ There's one more for today - I tried some minimalism with these cards.
Posušena praprot, prosojen papir, bleščeč karton, dva trakca, štirje kristalčki in nalepka. Zelo malo rezanja, malo več lepljenja, in to je vse.
/ Dried fern, translucent paper, glossy card, two ribbons, four rhinestones and a sticker. Very little cutting, a bit more gluing, and that's it.
Nadaljevanje sledi...
/ To be continued...