Dva kosa kartona, en 33 x 11 cm in drugi 33,2 x 11 cm (kako priročno, od kartona 34 x 24 cm iz prejšnje objave ostane ravno še 2-centimetrski trak za ročaj!). Na obeh odmerimo 11 cm od roba na obeh straneh in prepognemo, tista 2 mm na srednjem kvadratu služita za to, da lepše in lažje sestavimo dno, ga zlepimo, potem pa so variante odprte:
- stranice lahko zlepimo z manjšimi ali večjimi okraski,
- lahko naredimo luknjice in s trakci "sešijemo",
- lahko zlepimo od znotraj in samo zgoraj na vogalih zvežemo pentlje,
- ali pa v stranice naredimo zareze in prepletemo s papirnatimi trakci.
(vam bom pokazala, ko naredim še ostale)
Da ne govorim o možnostih za okrasitev...
Jaz sem izbrala bolj preprosto.
Stranice sem zlepila z okroglimi nalepkami v dveh velikostih in v roza in vijolični barvi.
Tista "romantična" ozadja pri krogih in polkrogih so... ta-da! podstavki, ki jih v kavarni dobimo na krožniček. (Kar se tiče "ovinkov in bližnjic" pri materialu, orodjih in postopkih, bi lahko odprla že celo podstran... - saj enkrat bom.)
Ročaju sem dodala še en ožji trak v malo drugačni barvi in ga na obeh straneh pritrdila s sponko, pa še po eno rožico sem dodala.
V kroge sem nalepila darilni papir - namig: pri tem tankem darilnem papirju se mi je izdelek nekajkrat ponesrečil, ker se je papir potem, ko sem ga namazala z lepilom, zgubal in trgal. Zdaj to preprečim tako, da na zadnjo stran papirja nalepim samolepilno prozorno folijo. Papir se lažje reže (tudi majhni motivi), lepljenje pa je tudi "šala mala".
Za polkroge sem namenila temnejši enobarvni karton, pa se mi je zdel malo pust, zato sem ročno dodala vzorček.
In zdaj mi ostane samo še, da se odločim, kaj bom dala noter. (Mislim, da že vem.)
Two pieces of cardboard, one measuring 33 x 11 cm and the other 33,2 x 11 cm (how convenient, if I cut up the cardboard from the previous post, there is just one 2 cm strip left for the handle!). In both pieces we measure 11 cm from both sides and fold, the remaining 2 mm in the middle square enables us to assemble the bottom easily, we glue both parts together, and then we have sooo many possibilities:
- we can glue the sides together using bigger or smaller embellishments,
- we can punch holes and "sew" the sides together with ribbons,
- we can glue the sides together from the inside and tie bows in upper corners,
- or we can make notches in the sides and do some weaving with strips of paper.
(I'll show you when I make the rest of them)
And don't let me even start on the possibilities for decorating it...
I chose a simple one.
I glued the sides together using pink and purple stickers in two different sizes.
Those "romantic" backgrounds behind the circles ans the semi-circles are... ta-da! the little paper mats you get on your saucer in the cafe. (If I wanted to talk about "detours and shortcuts" regarding materials, tools and procedures, I could start a whole new sub-page... - I will, eventually.)
I took the strip for the handle, added another one, a little narrower and in a different colour, and I attached the handle on both sides with a brad; I added a flower on each side.
I glued some gift paper in the circles - a tip: I used to ruin quite some projects because this gift paper is so thin and it crumpled and tore when I smeared some glue on it. Now I put the self-adhesive transparent film on the back side of the paper and I can cut it, even smaller motives, and gluing it to another surface is also "easy peasy".
For the semi-circles, I used some darker single-coloured cardboard, but then it seemed a little dull, so I added a bit of a pattern mannually.
And now the only thing that's left is the question what to put in it. (I think I know...)
29 maj 2008
28 maj 2008
Blok kartona in rezalnik
Pred kratkim sem naletela na krasne bloke barvnega kartona. Ostale sem spravila, enega pa sem celega razrezala na manjše dimenzije:
/ I recently found some great pads of coloured cardboard. I stashed the rest of them, and I cut up one pad into smaller pieces: /
Najprej sem vsak list, ki je dolg 34 cm, prerezala na dva dela, dolga 18 in 16 cm.
/First of all, I cut every sheet (34 cm long) in two pieces, 18 and 16 cm of length./
Karton 18 x 24 cm sem prepognila na pol, dvakrat odrezala 0,5 cm roba in trakce narezala na majhne kvadratke - za kakšen mozaik ali kaj podobnega.
/ I folded the 18 x 24 cm piece in half, cut off 0,5 cm of border and cut up the remaining strip in small squares - for a mosaic or something like that. /
To sem naredila z vsemi 25 listi.
I did the same with all 25 sheets.
Drugi karton (16 x 24 cm) sem razrezala po dimenzijah, ki so prikazane na sliki.
/ I cut up the other piece (16 x 24 cm) to the dimensions shown in the photo. /
Kvadratki za platnice albumčkov - ker karton ni tako zelo trden, bom verjetno zlepila skupaj po tri kvadratke različnih barv.
/ Squares for the covers of little albums - since the cardboard is not that sturdy, I'll probably glue together three sheets of different colours. /
Kupček kartonov 14 x 11 cm - za mini voščilnice ali okraske.
/ A pile of cardboards 14 x 11 cm - for mini cards or embellishments. /
Kvadratki za mozaik, trakci za ograjice.
/ 1 cm squares for a mosaic, 5 cm strips for picket fences. /
Kvadratki 2,5 x 2,5 cm za "palčke-malčke". Kaj so palčki-malčki? Boste kmalu izvedeli.
/ Squares 2.5 x 2.5 cm for "inchies". What are "inchies"? You'll know - soon. /
In kaj je ostalo od celega velikega lista? Dva trakca. Krajše sem preluknjala in si jih zvezala v neke vrste paleto, prikaz barv, da jih bom imela za iskanje kombinacij, daljše pa tudi lahko porabim za različne stvari.
/ And so, what's left of the whole large sheet? Two strips. I puched the shorter ones and tied them together into a kind of a colour display to use it for searching the right colour combinations. Ans I can use the longer ones for many various things. /
In ko vse porabim, me v predalu čaka še nekaj takšnih blokov...
/And when I use everything up, there are a few more pads like this one waiting for me in the drawer... /
Pred kratkim sem naletela na krasne bloke barvnega kartona. Ostale sem spravila, enega pa sem celega razrezala na manjše dimenzije:
/ I recently found some great pads of coloured cardboard. I stashed the rest of them, and I cut up one pad into smaller pieces: /
Najprej sem vsak list, ki je dolg 34 cm, prerezala na dva dela, dolga 18 in 16 cm.
/First of all, I cut every sheet (34 cm long) in two pieces, 18 and 16 cm of length./
Karton 18 x 24 cm sem prepognila na pol, dvakrat odrezala 0,5 cm roba in trakce narezala na majhne kvadratke - za kakšen mozaik ali kaj podobnega.
/ I folded the 18 x 24 cm piece in half, cut off 0,5 cm of border and cut up the remaining strip in small squares - for a mosaic or something like that. /
To sem naredila z vsemi 25 listi.
I did the same with all 25 sheets.
Drugi karton (16 x 24 cm) sem razrezala po dimenzijah, ki so prikazane na sliki.
/ I cut up the other piece (16 x 24 cm) to the dimensions shown in the photo. /
Kvadratki za platnice albumčkov - ker karton ni tako zelo trden, bom verjetno zlepila skupaj po tri kvadratke različnih barv.
/ Squares for the covers of little albums - since the cardboard is not that sturdy, I'll probably glue together three sheets of different colours. /
Kupček kartonov 14 x 11 cm - za mini voščilnice ali okraske.
/ A pile of cardboards 14 x 11 cm - for mini cards or embellishments. /
Kvadratki za mozaik, trakci za ograjice.
/ 1 cm squares for a mosaic, 5 cm strips for picket fences. /
Kvadratki 2,5 x 2,5 cm za "palčke-malčke". Kaj so palčki-malčki? Boste kmalu izvedeli.
/ Squares 2.5 x 2.5 cm for "inchies". What are "inchies"? You'll know - soon. /
In kaj je ostalo od celega velikega lista? Dva trakca. Krajše sem preluknjala in si jih zvezala v neke vrste paleto, prikaz barv, da jih bom imela za iskanje kombinacij, daljše pa tudi lahko porabim za različne stvari.
/ And so, what's left of the whole large sheet? Two strips. I puched the shorter ones and tied them together into a kind of a colour display to use it for searching the right colour combinations. Ans I can use the longer ones for many various things. /
In ko vse porabim, me v predalu čaka še nekaj takšnih blokov...
/And when I use everything up, there are a few more pads like this one waiting for me in the drawer... /
27 maj 2008
Polizdelki - drugi del
Danes bolj kratka objava, samo dve slikici nekaj sestavnih delov za male kvadratne albumčke - samo en je že gotov, ker je že šel naprej...
A really short post today, just two photos of some parts for little square albums - only one of them is already finished because it already had to go...
26 maj 2008
Držim obljubo
V zvezi z včerajšnjo idejo objavljam fotografije lončkov za pisala, ki sem jih zaenkrat samo oblepila z različnimi papirji, okraski pa sledijo v naslednji seansi.
In relation to the idea from yesterday, I'm posting photos of pencil holders. I've only covered them in different background papers so far, the embellishments will follow in one of my future sessions.
cvetlični - flowery
za otročke - for kiddies
modri in zeleni - blue and green
25 maj 2008
Za različne priložnosti
Za tiste, ki me poznajo, je tale moj blog postal neke vrste barometer, da vedo, kdaj imam preobilico drugega - življenjsko bolj pomembnega ;) - dela. In zadnji teden je spet bilo čisto tako. En dan vmes mi je sicer uspelo ustvarjati, vendar sem imela "seanso polizdelkov", tako da ni nastal noben končen izdelek, ki bi ga objavila. Ampak, če dobro pomislim, zakaj pa ne bi objavila tudi takšnih stvari? V bistvu se že nekaj časa poigravam z idejo, da bi kakšno stvar, ki jo dela, pofotografirala tudi v vmesnih fazah in pokazala postopek - mogoče bi še koga zamikalo, da bi se lotil in še sam poskusil. Mogoče pa bom res. Za danes pa ena od zadnjih, ki jih še imam na zalogi in še niso bile objavljene.
For those who know me, this blog has become a kind of a barometre so that they know when I'm overwhelmed with other - more vitally important ;) - work. It the last week has been like that again. I managed to do some creating though, but it was one of my "semi-finished products sessions", so I didn't come up with any finished product to post. But, on the other hand, why not post such things as well? Actually, I've been toying for with the idea for quite some time, to take photos of several phases and show the procedure - maybe some people will get tempted to try it out on their own. Maybe I will. But for today, one of the last cards I had in my stash and haven't been posted yet.
17 maj 2008
Štiri punčke za štiri deklice
Že dolgo nisem delala albumčkov, včeraj pa sem razmišljala, kakšna darilca bi naredila za štiri sestrice (ki jih še ne poznam), pa sem se spomnila, da sem pred dnevi videla video-navodilo (avtorica je Angie Kennedy Juda) za izdelavo majhnih kvadratnih albumčkov.
Ker so zelo preprosti, sem si pripravila material za štiri in sem jih imela zelo hitro narejene. Za notranjo knjižico sem uporabila risalni list (28 x 28 cm), za platnice pa karton (7,4 x 7,4 cm). Preostale dimenzije so: bel papir - 7 x 7 cm, temnejši vijolični - 6,6 x 6,6 cm, svetlejši vijolični 5,4 x 5,4 cm in sličica 5 x 5 cm.
Tako kot vsi izdelki, pri katerih uporabljam sličice Sarah Kay, so malo kičasti, ampak v nekako pomirjujočem smislu (vsaj zame).
I haven't made any albums for quite a while, but yesterday I was wondering what kind of presents I should make for four little (I don't even know yet). I remembered watching a video tutorial (by Angie Kennedy Juda) on how to make cute little square albums.
Since they are very simple to make I prepared the material and very soon I had them made. For the inner "booklet" I used some heavier paper (28 x 28 cm), and for the covers cardboard (7,4 x 7,4 cm). The remaining dimensions are: white paper - 7 x 7 cm, darker purple - 6,6 x 6,6 cm, lighter purple 5,4 x 5,4 cm and the image 5 x 5 cm.
As all my projects in which I use Sarah Kay images, they are a bit kitschy, but in a somehow soothing and comforting sense (at least for me).
14 maj 2008
Ko se ti nikamor ne mudi
Slika kar kliče k počitku - hladna senca, zrela jabolka, dišeče rože, bose noge v mehki travi... nič delat, samo sedet in poslušat ptičke...
The image is so inviting, it just makes you want to rest - cool shadow, ripe apples, scent of flowers, bare feet in tender grass... doing nothing, just sitting and listening to the birds' song...
13 maj 2008
Vnučki - hura!
Danes dve voščilnici za moji bivši sodelavki, ki sta pred kratkim postali babici. Čestitke!
Voščilnic za dojenčke še nisem delala vnaprej, ampak vedno za točno določeno osebo (osebico), pa se mi zdi, da do sedaj fantje krepko vodijo, vsaj 6:1 - še sreča, da je ta srčkan darilni papir pretežno moder :)
Two cards today, for my ex-colleagues who have been made grandmas recently. Congratulations!
I haven't made any cards for babies in advance yet, I always make them for a specific (little) person, and I think that boys have been strongly in the lead so far, at least 6:1 - luckily, this cute gift paper is predominantly blue :)
12 maj 2008
11 maj 2008
Za tvoj rojstni dan...
09 maj 2008
Brki in krempeljci
Pred kratkim sem bila po dolgem času v moji najljubši trgovini (ljubljanski Prometej) in sem med novimi stvarmi odkrila nalepke, malo drugačne od tistih, ki se zdaj že nekaj časa prodajajo, kupujejo in tudi zbirajo pri nas doma. In zdaj jih s pridom uporabljam. Prve so bile na vrsti te mačke. Mislim, da sem že v trgovini imela načrt, kako jih bom uporabila - vse do zadnje.
Prva mačja voščilnica je tu, pa mislim, da ne potrebuje kakšne dodatne razlage...
A few days ago, I visited my favourite shop again (Prometej in Ljubljana) and I discovored among new things some stickers that are a bit different from the ones that have been available for buying and collecting for some time now. And I'm using them - a lot. First I wanted to work with these cats. I think I had a plan worked out on how I was going to use each and every one of them while I was still in the shop.
The first kitty card is here, and I think in needs no additional explanation...
Spet malo spremembe
Za 100. objavo - sprememba iz roza v modro. Poleg tega sem hotela spremeniti še glavo bloga in sem naredila eno sestavljanko iz digitalnih elementov s strani ShabbyPrincess.com, pa me potem vse skupaj nekako ni hotelo ubogati, zato slikico pokažem, nekaj dni jo bom pustila, potem pa se verjetno vrnem na tekstovno obliko naslova, slika pa ostane v tej objavi.
For the 100th post - a change from pink to blue. Beside that, I wanted to change the blog's header and I made a collage using digital elements I took from the web page ShabbyPrincess.com, but then it just didn't want to work properly, so I'm showing you the picture, I'll leave it on for a few days and then I'll probably return to the text form of the title, and the picture will remain in this post.
08 maj 2008
Tokrat sta dve
Danes objavljam dve voščilnici, ki sta si podobni po uporabljenem darilnem papirju (ki je, mimogrede, isti kot tisti pri kačjih pastirjih), razlikujeta pa se po barvi podlage in dodanih podrobnostih.
(Današnja objava je 99. po vrsti, zato bi naslednja morala biti malo posebna - pridite in preverite.)
Today I'm posting two cards that are similar in the gift paper used (which is, by the way, the same as the paper on the dragonfly card), but different in the background colour and added details.
(Today's post is No 99, so the next ine should be a bit special - come and check.)
07 maj 2008
Kačji pastirji
Kot sem obljubila, objavljam voščilnico s kačjimi pastirji. Tokrat sem uporabila malo več stvari - za osnovo je bil darilni papir, potem pa sem poskušala slediti še z barvo ostalega papirja, trakcev in kačjih pastirjev. Ko sem nalepila že skoraj vse, me je zmotilo, da črte na srednjem traku papirja niso bile bolj ravne, zato sem robove kvadratov prekrila še z zlatima nalepkama.
As promised, I am posting a card with dragonflies. This time I used a bit more elements - gift paper was a basis, and then I tried to follow with the colour of other pieces of paper, ribbons and dragonflies. When I was almost finished gluing everything together, I wasn't happy with the vertical lines in the central piece of gift paper because I thought they were not straight enough, so I decided to cover the borders with two golden stickers.
06 maj 2008
Štirje majhni
Za tole voščilnico sem uporabila štiri majhen zlate nalepke, ki sem jih nalepila na zelo temno modro podlago, da pridejo "metalik" flomastri bolj do izraza. Nato sem preizkušala različne razporeditve, od navpične na sredini ali ob strani, pa vsak kvadrat v svojem kotu, pa z večjim razmikom, itd. No, na koncu je ostalo pri kvadratu na dodatni podlagi in z okvirjem, potem sem se še malo "pozabavala" s posvetilom, pa vogalčkov nekako nisem mogla pustiti takšnih, kot so bili.
S tem se za zdaj zaključuje niz voščilnic na temo metuljev; sledi še ena s kačjimi pastirji, nato nekaj cvetličnih, pa še nekaj takih z brki in krempeljci...
For this card, I used four small golden stickers that I stuck on a very dark blue background, in order to get the metallic pens stand out more. Then I tried different layouts, a vertical one in the middle and along both sides, each square in its corner, and with some more space between them, etc. Well, I ended up with a square on an additional layer and with a frame, then I had some "fun" with the sentiment (saying "best wishes"), and I just couldn't leave the corners as they were.
The series of "butterfly-cards" is coming to an end for now; there will be one with dragonflies in my next post, then some flowery ones, followed by some with whiskers and claws...
05 maj 2008
Moder, bel in zlat
Še ena z metuljčki, tokrat v modrih odtenkih. Metuljčki so Karen Marie, pentlja pa iz svetlo in temno modre rafije.
Another one with butterflies, this time in blue (with the sentiment: "Today it is your day"). The butterflies are Karen Marie and the bow is made with light blue and dark blue raffia.
03 maj 2008
Roza in vijolično
Za metuljčka na tej voščilnici sem si naredila šabloni (osnovno obliko in eno manjšo) in izrezala obe obliki iz voščenega papirja v obeh barvah. Nato sem s štanco naredila še rožice. V karton sem si s pripravljeno šablono naredila luknjice v krogu, nalepila metuljčka, jima okrasila krila, na preostale luknjice pa sem nalepila rožice in luknjice prekrila z belim in vijoličnim gel pisalom. Zaključila sem z belim in vijoličnim trakcem, še tremi rožicami in nekaj luknjicami v vogalih.
I made a template for the butterflies or this card (the basic shape and a little smaller one) and I cut both shapes from wax paper in both colours. Then I punched some tiny flowers in both colours too. I used my circle template to make some little holes in the cardboard, I glued the butterflies on the circle and the flowers on the remaining holes. I covered the holes with a white and purple gel pen. I finished the card off with white and purple ribbon, three more flowers and some holes in two corners.
02 maj 2008
Metuljčki na različne načine
Objavljam prvo voščilnico iz "metuljčkaste" serije. Metulja in kačji pastir na njej so izrezani iz darilnega papirja, dodani sta dve zlati sponki in nekaj preprostih dodatkov.
I'm posting the first card from my "butterfly-batch". The butterflies and the dragonfly were cut out from a sheet of gift paper, I added two golden brads and a few simple things for the final touch.
01 maj 2008
Ali je to miš?
Ne, ni. Prašiček je. Tak mini micen.
Že zelo dolgo nisem delala nobenih FIMO figuric, danes pa sta me punci prepričali, da smo malo pobrskale po moji FIMO-škatli in vsaka je naredila nekaj stvari. Poleg te mačke in mini-pujska sem naredila še en prstan in nekaj kvadratkov za zapestnico ali ogrlico (bom objavila v prihodnjih dneh - ko jih nanizam).
No, it isn't. It's a piglet. A tiny little one.
I haven't made any FIMO figurines for quite some time now, but today my girls persuaded me and we went through my FIMO-box and we made some things. Apart from this cat and mini-piglet, I also made one ring and some squares to be put on a bracelet or a necklace (I'll post them in a few days' time - once I string them).
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