- stranice lahko zlepimo z manjšimi ali večjimi okraski,
- lahko naredimo luknjice in s trakci "sešijemo",
- lahko zlepimo od znotraj in samo zgoraj na vogalih zvežemo pentlje,
- ali pa v stranice naredimo zareze in prepletemo s papirnatimi trakci.
(vam bom pokazala, ko naredim še ostale)
Da ne govorim o možnostih za okrasitev...
Jaz sem izbrala bolj preprosto.
Stranice sem zlepila z okroglimi nalepkami v dveh velikostih in v roza in vijolični barvi.
Tista "romantična" ozadja pri krogih in polkrogih so... ta-da! podstavki, ki jih v kavarni dobimo na krožniček. (Kar se tiče "ovinkov in bližnjic" pri materialu, orodjih in postopkih, bi lahko odprla že celo podstran... - saj enkrat bom.)
Ročaju sem dodala še en ožji trak v malo drugačni barvi in ga na obeh straneh pritrdila s sponko, pa še po eno rožico sem dodala.
V kroge sem nalepila darilni papir - namig: pri tem tankem darilnem papirju se mi je izdelek nekajkrat ponesrečil, ker se je papir potem, ko sem ga namazala z lepilom, zgubal in trgal. Zdaj to preprečim tako, da na zadnjo stran papirja nalepim samolepilno prozorno folijo. Papir se lažje reže (tudi majhni motivi), lepljenje pa je tudi "šala mala".
Za polkroge sem namenila temnejši enobarvni karton, pa se mi je zdel malo pust, zato sem ročno dodala vzorček.
In zdaj mi ostane samo še, da se odločim, kaj bom dala noter. (Mislim, da že vem.)
Two pieces of cardboard, one measuring 33 x 11 cm and the other 33,2 x 11 cm (how convenient, if I cut up the cardboard from the previous post, there is just one 2 cm strip left for the handle!). In both pieces we measure 11 cm from both sides and fold, the remaining 2 mm in the middle square enables us to assemble the bottom easily, we glue both parts together, and then we have sooo many possibilities:
- we can glue the sides together using bigger or smaller embellishments,
- we can punch holes and "sew" the sides together with ribbons,
- we can glue the sides together from the inside and tie bows in upper corners,
- or we can make notches in the sides and do some weaving with strips of paper.
(I'll show you when I make the rest of them)
And don't let me even start on the possibilities for decorating it...
I chose a simple one.
I glued the sides together using pink and purple stickers in two different sizes.
Those "romantic" backgrounds behind the circles ans the semi-circles are... ta-da! the little paper mats you get on your saucer in the cafe. (If I wanted to talk about "detours and shortcuts" regarding materials, tools and procedures, I could start a whole new sub-page... - I will, eventually.)
I took the strip for the handle, added another one, a little narrower and in a different colour, and I attached the handle on both sides with a brad; I added a flower on each side.
I glued some gift paper in the circles - a tip: I used to ruin quite some projects because this gift paper is so thin and it crumpled and tore when I smeared some glue on it. Now I put the self-adhesive transparent film on the back side of the paper and I can cut it, even smaller motives, and gluing it to another surface is also "easy peasy".
For the semi-circles, I used some darker single-coloured cardboard, but then it seemed a little dull, so I added a bit of a pattern mannually.
And now the only thing that's left is the question what to put in it. (I think I know...)