Pred kratkim sem bila po dolgem času v moji najljubši trgovini (ljubljanski Prometej) in sem med novimi stvarmi odkrila nalepke, malo drugačne od tistih, ki se zdaj že nekaj časa prodajajo, kupujejo in tudi zbirajo pri nas doma. In zdaj jih s pridom uporabljam. Prve so bile na vrsti te mačke. Mislim, da sem že v trgovini imela načrt, kako jih bom uporabila - vse do zadnje.
Prva mačja voščilnica je tu, pa mislim, da ne potrebuje kakšne dodatne razlage...
A few days ago, I visited my favourite shop again (Prometej in Ljubljana) and I discovored among new things some stickers that are a bit different from the ones that have been available for buying and collecting for some time now. And I'm using them - a lot. First I wanted to work with these cats. I think I had a plan worked out on how I was going to use each and every one of them while I was still in the shop.
The first kitty card is here, and I think in needs no additional explanation...