Za metuljčka na tej voščilnici sem si naredila šabloni (osnovno obliko in eno manjšo) in izrezala obe obliki iz voščenega papirja v obeh barvah. Nato sem s štanco naredila še rožice. V karton sem si s pripravljeno šablono naredila luknjice v krogu, nalepila metuljčka, jima okrasila krila, na preostale luknjice pa sem nalepila rožice in luknjice prekrila z belim in vijoličnim gel pisalom. Zaključila sem z belim in vijoličnim trakcem, še tremi rožicami in nekaj luknjicami v vogalih.
I made a template for the butterflies or this card (the basic shape and a little smaller one) and I cut both shapes from wax paper in both colours. Then I punched some tiny flowers in both colours too. I used my circle template to make some little holes in the cardboard, I glued the butterflies on the circle and the flowers on the remaining holes. I covered the holes with a white and purple gel pen. I finished the card off with white and purple ribbon, three more flowers and some holes in two corners.