Kot sem obljubila, objavljam voščilnico s kačjimi pastirji. Tokrat sem uporabila malo več stvari - za osnovo je bil darilni papir, potem pa sem poskušala slediti še z barvo ostalega papirja, trakcev in kačjih pastirjev. Ko sem nalepila že skoraj vse, me je zmotilo, da črte na srednjem traku papirja niso bile bolj ravne, zato sem robove kvadratov prekrila še z zlatima nalepkama.
As promised, I am posting a card with dragonflies. This time I used a bit more elements - gift paper was a basis, and then I tried to follow with the colour of other pieces of paper, ribbons and dragonflies. When I was almost finished gluing everything together, I wasn't happy with the vertical lines in the central piece of gift paper because I thought they were not straight enough, so I decided to cover the borders with two golden stickers.