09 maj 2008

Spet malo spremembe

Za 100. objavo - sprememba iz roza v modro. Poleg tega sem hotela spremeniti še glavo bloga in sem naredila eno sestavljanko iz digitalnih elementov s strani ShabbyPrincess.com, pa me potem vse skupaj nekako ni hotelo ubogati, zato slikico pokažem, nekaj dni jo bom pustila, potem pa se verjetno vrnem na tekstovno obliko naslova, slika pa ostane v tej objavi.


For the 100th post - a change from pink to blue. Beside that, I wanted to change the blog's header and I made a collage using digital elements I took from the web page ShabbyPrincess.com, but then it just didn't want to work properly, so I'm showing you the picture, I'll leave it on for a few days and then I'll probably return to the text form of the title, and the picture will remain in this post.
