Pred kratkim sem naletela na krasne bloke barvnega kartona. Ostale sem spravila, enega pa sem celega razrezala na manjše dimenzije:
/ I recently found some great pads of coloured cardboard. I stashed the rest of them, and I cut up one pad into smaller pieces: /
Najprej sem vsak list, ki je dolg 34 cm, prerezala na dva dela, dolga 18 in 16 cm.
/First of all, I cut every sheet (34 cm long) in two pieces, 18 and 16 cm of length./
Karton 18 x 24 cm sem prepognila na pol, dvakrat odrezala 0,5 cm roba in trakce narezala na majhne kvadratke - za kakšen mozaik ali kaj podobnega.
/ I folded the 18 x 24 cm piece in half, cut off 0,5 cm of border and cut up the remaining strip in small squares - for a mosaic or something like that. /
To sem naredila z vsemi 25 listi.
I did the same with all 25 sheets.
Drugi karton (16 x 24 cm) sem razrezala po dimenzijah, ki so prikazane na sliki.
/ I cut up the other piece (16 x 24 cm) to the dimensions shown in the photo. /
Kvadratki za platnice albumčkov - ker karton ni tako zelo trden, bom verjetno zlepila skupaj po tri kvadratke različnih barv.
/ Squares for the covers of little albums - since the cardboard is not that sturdy, I'll probably glue together three sheets of different colours. /
Kupček kartonov 14 x 11 cm - za mini voščilnice ali okraske.
/ A pile of cardboards 14 x 11 cm - for mini cards or embellishments. /
Kvadratki za mozaik, trakci za ograjice.
/ 1 cm squares for a mosaic, 5 cm strips for picket fences. /
Kvadratki 2,5 x 2,5 cm za "palčke-malčke". Kaj so palčki-malčki? Boste kmalu izvedeli.
/ Squares 2.5 x 2.5 cm for "inchies". What are "inchies"? You'll know - soon. /
In kaj je ostalo od celega velikega lista? Dva trakca. Krajše sem preluknjala in si jih zvezala v neke vrste paleto, prikaz barv, da jih bom imela za iskanje kombinacij, daljše pa tudi lahko porabim za različne stvari.
/ And so, what's left of the whole large sheet? Two strips. I puched the shorter ones and tied them together into a kind of a colour display to use it for searching the right colour combinations. Ans I can use the longer ones for many various things. /
In ko vse porabim, me v predalu čaka še nekaj takšnih blokov...
/And when I use everything up, there are a few more pads like this one waiting for me in the drawer... /