Za tiste, ki me poznajo, je tale moj blog postal neke vrste barometer, da vedo, kdaj imam preobilico drugega - življenjsko bolj pomembnega ;) - dela. In zadnji teden je spet bilo čisto tako. En dan vmes mi je sicer uspelo ustvarjati, vendar sem imela "seanso polizdelkov", tako da ni nastal noben končen izdelek, ki bi ga objavila. Ampak, če dobro pomislim, zakaj pa ne bi objavila tudi takšnih stvari? V bistvu se že nekaj časa poigravam z idejo, da bi kakšno stvar, ki jo dela, pofotografirala tudi v vmesnih fazah in pokazala postopek - mogoče bi še koga zamikalo, da bi se lotil in še sam poskusil. Mogoče pa bom res. Za danes pa ena od zadnjih, ki jih še imam na zalogi in še niso bile objavljene.
For those who know me, this blog has become a kind of a barometre so that they know when I'm overwhelmed with other - more vitally important ;) - work. It the last week has been like that again. I managed to do some creating though, but it was one of my "semi-finished products sessions", so I didn't come up with any finished product to post. But, on the other hand, why not post such things as well? Actually, I've been toying for with the idea for quite some time, to take photos of several phases and show the procedure - maybe some people will get tempted to try it out on their own. Maybe I will. But for today, one of the last cards I had in my stash and haven't been posted yet.