Za tole voščilnico sem uporabila štiri majhen zlate nalepke, ki sem jih nalepila na zelo temno modro podlago, da pridejo "metalik" flomastri bolj do izraza. Nato sem preizkušala različne razporeditve, od navpične na sredini ali ob strani, pa vsak kvadrat v svojem kotu, pa z večjim razmikom, itd. No, na koncu je ostalo pri kvadratu na dodatni podlagi in z okvirjem, potem sem se še malo "pozabavala" s posvetilom, pa vogalčkov nekako nisem mogla pustiti takšnih, kot so bili.
S tem se za zdaj zaključuje niz voščilnic na temo metuljev; sledi še ena s kačjimi pastirji, nato nekaj cvetličnih, pa še nekaj takih z brki in krempeljci...
For this card, I used four small golden stickers that I stuck on a very dark blue background, in order to get the metallic pens stand out more. Then I tried different layouts, a vertical one in the middle and along both sides, each square in its corner, and with some more space between them, etc. Well, I ended up with a square on an additional layer and with a frame, then I had some "fun" with the sentiment (saying "best wishes"), and I just couldn't leave the corners as they were.
The series of "butterfly-cards" is coming to an end for now; there will be one with dragonflies in my next post, then some flowery ones, followed by some with whiskers and claws...