28 september 2008

Moje prvo srečanje na Otoku zakladov

Končno sem ga dočakala! In bilo je tako, kot sem pričakovala, in še veliko veliko več! Predstavljajte si: vzamemo približno štirideset enako mislečih žensk, njihove škatle, vrečke, torbe in kovčke, vse mogoče neverjetne izdelke, pripomočke, izkušnje. Damo v dovolj velik prostor z dovolj velikimi mizami. Ob robu naložimo kulinarične fantazije in občasno zalijemo s sončnim primorskim vinom. Vse skupaj mešamo pet do šest ur, vmes začinimo še z obdarovanji in izmenjavami. Dobimo fantastično popoldne z okusom po figovi marmeladi in toplim občutkom pri srcu. Edino, kar nam še manjka, je ponovitev takšnega srečanja.

Še enkrat hvala, punce!

Objavljam slike daril, ki sem jih nesla s seboj - albumček s kužkom je bil za obdarovanje "maček v žaklju na temo psa", FIMO perlice pa za naši gostiteljici - vsaka je dobila takšen kupček.


It finally came! And it was just as I expected, and much much more! Just imagine: we take around forty women who think alike, their boxes, bags and suitcases, all possible incredible self-made things, accessories, experience. We put them all together in a room large enough with some large (huge) tables. Around the border, we arrange culinary fantasies and occasionally add some sunny wine from the Primorska region. We stir altogether five to six hours, spice it up a bit with giving presents, trading and swapping. What we get is a fantastic afternoon with a taste of fig marmalade and a warm feeling at heart. The only thing that is still missing is another meeting like this one.

Thanks again, girls!

I'm posting the photos of the presents I took to the meeting - the album with the doggie was intended for the exchange of presents with a dog theme, and the FIMO beads were for our two hosts - each of them got a lot like the one in the photo.


25 september 2008

Cammie in njen blog bonbonček

Vzpodbudo za današnjo voščilnico sem dobila na blogu Carolyn King, ki je objavila blog "bonbonček", posvečen dnevu boja proti Alzheimerjevi bolezni. S prodajo svojih izdelkov je uspela zbrati sredstva za donacijo za Združenje za boj proti Alzheimerjevi bolezni, nato pa ponudila nekaj (veliko!) krasnih stvari tistim, ki bi ji pokazali svoje voščilnice.
Moja voščilnica je dekliška in vesela, takšna kot moji deklici (ki pa jima ni bilo čisto prav, da bom uporabila samo oblekice, in sta želeli, naj narišem punčko in jo "oblečem"). Oblekice sem izrezala iz enega srčkanega darilnega papirja, nalepila na papir različnih barv, potem pa dodala nekaj izrezanih rožic in srčkov ter dorisala nekaj vzorčkov z gel pisali.
Eden od pogojev za sodelovanje pri blog bonbončku tudi to, da naj bo voščilnica namenjena komu z Alzheimerjevo boleznijo ali negovalcem. In ker sem bila zadovoljna s tem, kako mi je voščilnica uspela, sem naredila še eno. Eno bom poslala osebju v naš dom za ostarele, za drugo pa: čez nekaj dni grem na prvo srečanje ustvarjalk s foruma, ki sem se mu pridružila letos poleti, in ker se mi je zgodilo že toliko lepih reči (sporočil, pogovorov, dobrih želja, izmenjav materiala...), odkar sem z njimi, nesem voščilnico ustvarjalki, ki me je povabila, naj se jim pridružim.


I was encouraged to make my today's card by Carolyn King's blog where she posted her blog candy dedicated to World Alzheimer's Day. By selling her products, she managed to collect a huge donation for the Alzheimer's Association, and then she offered some (a lot actually) great things to those who would be willing to share their cards.
My card is girlie and merry, just my two little girls (who, by the way, were not totally cool with the idea that I was only going to use clothes, and they wanted me to draw a girl and "dress her up"). I cut out the clothes from a cute gift wrapping paper, adhered them to paper of different colours, added some punched out hearts and flowers, and drew some pattern with my gel pens.
One of the conditions for the participation for the blog candy is that the card should be given or sent to someone suffering from the Alzheimer's or to a caretaker. And since I was satisfied with the way my card turned out, I made one more. I'm sending one to the personnel of our local senior's residence, and as far as the other one is concerned: in a few days, I'm going to my first meeting with my fellow crafters from the forum I joined this summer, and because so many beautiful things have happened to me since I joined them (messages, chats, good wishes, trading materials...), I'm taking my card to give it to the lady who invited me to join them.


22 september 2008

Koledar 2009

Ja, smo že tako daleč, da bo že treba malo na 2009 misliti - že malo od daleč načrtujem tudi praznične voščilnice, ampak še ni nič resnega. / Yep, we've come so far that we should start thinking of 2009 - I've started planning some holiday cards, but I haven't come up with anything useful yet.

No, ampak na enem od blogov Ellen Hudson pa sem vseeno zasledila eno zelo uporabno stvar: Ellen je vzela predlogo koledarja, ki jih ponujajo na strani A Muse (ves zaslužek bo šel v dobrodelne namene) in jih oblikovala po svoje. / But, I've found a very useful thing on one of Ellen Hudson's blogs: Ellen took a calendar template offered on the A Muse site (they plan to give the whole profit for charity) and made a great calender.

Jaz sem si predloge naredila sama, ker sem želela imeti slovenska imena mesecev, obliko pa sem malo pokopirala. Kar pa se dobrodelnosti tiče, jih nameravam narediti nekaj za naš decembrski dobrodelni bazar. / I've made my template myself because I wanted to have Slovenian names of the months, but I copied the design a little. And as far as the charity aspect is concerned, I plan to make some of these for our December charity bazaar.

Sličice so (seveda!) Sarah Kay - vzela sem dvanajst nalepk iz moje zaloge in jih obrezala tako, da so mi ostali kvadratki 4 x 4 cm. / The images are (of course!) Sarah Kay - I took twelve stickers from my stash and I trimmed them so that I ended up with squares of 4 x 4 cm.

Nato sem izbrala karton v treh barvah iz izrezala kvadratke 4,5 x 4,5 cm. / Then I selected the cardstock in three colours and cut out squares of 4.5 x 4.5 cm.

Pa še šest kosov kartona 12 x 24 cm (prepognjen na pol). / And 6 pieces of cardstock of 12 x 24 cm (folded in half).

Nato sem si natisnila predloge za koledar (mere kvadratov 11 x 11 cm). / Then I printed out the calendar templates (dimensions 11 x 11 cm).

Kvadrate sem izrezala - ko sem delala predloge, sem dodala nekaj dodatnih črt za pomoč. / I cut out the squares - when making the templates, I put some additonal lines for positioning.

Dokončana ena od dvanajstih strani. / One of twelve pages, finished.

Na notranji strani je za vsak mesec tudi preglednica za rojstne dneve. / On the inside, there is a page for birthdays for each month.

Dokončan koledar - z ene strani... / Finished calendar - from one side...

... pa še z druge. / ... and from the other one.

Cel koledar zložen skupaj, pripravljen za pakiranje. Glede na to, da je bil tale poskusni in predvsem to, da je bil s sličicami Sarah Kay, zanj ne potrebujem škatle, za preostale, ki jih še nameravam narediti, pa bodo tudi škatle (in navodila). / The whole calendar, stacked together, ready for packing. But considering the fact that this one was made as a test and, most of all, it has the Sarah Kay images, I won't be needing a box for it; but I will make a box (and the instructions) for the ones I plan to make.


21 september 2008

Pika je prišla

Danes se je v našem mestu začel Pikin festival in moja današnja voščilnica je posvečena Piki in vsemu, dobremu, kar njen festival vsako leto prinese.
Sličice, ki sem jih uporabila, je za eno od delavnic pred leti narisala moja najljubša ilustratorka Urška Stropnik (kljub temu, da je Velenjčanka, sem njeno najboljšo predstavitev našla na strani Zavoda za kulturo, šport in turizem Žalec).


The Pippi Longstocking Festival has begun in our town today, and my today's card is dedicated to Pippi and to all the good things that her festival brings every year.
The images I used were drawn for one of the workshops a few years ago by my favourite illustrator Urška Stropnik (despite the fact that she is from Velenje, the best presentation of her was on the website of the Cultural, Sports and Tourism Institute Žalec).


20 september 2008

Balončki in sestavljanka

V bistvu je bila sestavljanka prej; eden od mojih zadnjih nakupov je bila majhna štanca z motivom koščka sestavljanke - šele ko sem jih nekaj izrezala in postavila skupaj, sem ugotovila, da gredo skupaj (jupi!!) in sem naredila ta rumeno oranžno rdeč okvir, potem pa nekaj časa nisem vedela, kaj naj postavim vanj. Pa sem se spomnila na odtiske, ki sem jih dobila od Petye, in sem pobarvala eno deklico (moje barvanje še ni takšno, kot bi želela, ampak se trudim), ji dodala rdečo klopco in dve rožici, pa ozadje se mi je zdelo malo dolgočasno, pa sem dodala nekaj vijugic z belim gel pisalom.


Actually, the jigsaw puzzle was finished first; one of the things I've bought recently was a little paper punch of a jigsaw puzzle piece - and when I cut some of them and put them together, I found out that they go together (yippie!!) and I made this yellow and orange and red frame, but then I wasn't quite sure what to put in it. And then I remembered the stamped images I got from Petya, and I coloured one of the little girls (my colouring is not yet as good as I would like it to be, but I'm trying), added a little red bench and two flowers, and the background seemed a bit dull, so I drew some swirlies with my white gel pen.


16 september 2008

Ponosna mama

Ti dve voščilnici sta naredili moji dve mravljičici (stari 7 in 9 let) za babico za rojstni dan. Že res, da je bilo moje skladišče pod obleganjem ("to, pa še to, pa še to, a bi še to...") in da papir z giljotino pri naši hiši režem jaz, ampak izbira barv in motivov, barvanje, lepljenje in krašenje pa je bilo čisto njuno. Ponosna ponosna ponosna!


These two cards were made by my tiny ants (7 and 9 years old) for their Grandma's birthday. It is true that my craft storage was under siege ("this, and this, and maybe this, and could I use this...") and that I am the master of the paper cutter around here, but the choice of colours and motives, colouring, adhering and embellishing was totally their job. Proud proud proud!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pa še rezultati od včeraj. Odgovori:

1. Če bi vzeli barvi, ki sta se pojavili kot možna odgovora na prvo vprašanje, in ju zmešali, bi dobili pravi odgovor: moja najljubša barva je vijolična. Sem mislila, da bo voščilnica bolj dala namig... No, ker na to vprašanje ni bilo pravega odgovora, so vsi komentarji bili izenačeni in so še vedno vsi - vseh 5 :) - prišli v poštev.

2. Rožice vseh oblik in barv, metulji, kačji pastirji, želve, kuščarji ... in seveda vse v zvezi z morjem. Vsi odgovori so bili pravilni.

3. Tudi tu so bili vsi odgovori pravilni ;)

In izžreban je bil komentar št. 5 - Anonimni (Urša).

Za darilo pa sem si zamislila takole: v primeru, da bom imela izdelek iz 3. odgovora še doma, ga podarim, če pa ga ne bi imela, sem imela pripravljeno rezervo iz mojih zalog. No, moj plan se je izšel, tako da zdaj veste, kaj dobi Urša.

Hvala še enkrat za vse prijazne besede in dobre želje.

And for the yesterday's results. The answers:

1. If we took both colours that came up as possible answers to the first question and mixed them together, we would get the correct answer: my favourite colour is purple. I thought the card would give a hint... Well, since there was no right answer to this one, all comments were equal and were all - all 5 of them :) - taken into account.

2. Flowers of all shapes and colours, butterflies, dragonflies, turtles, lizards ... and everything about the sea of course. All answers were correct.

3. All answers were correct again ;)

The winner (decided by drawing lots) is Comment Nr 5 - Anonimni (Urša).

And this is what I had in mind for the present: if I still had the creation from the third answer, I'd give it away, and otherwise I had a "backup solution" from my stash. Well, my plan worked out just right, so now you know what Urša will get.

Thanks again for all your kind words and good wishes.


15 september 2008

Eno leto

Moj blog je danes star eno leto!

In je zato dobil novo preobleko - čisto malo modre je še ostalo od prej, drugače pa bo malo bolj svetleč.

In dobil je tudi voščilnico - takšno s tortico in eno svečko. Papirčke sem dobila od dveh prijaznih punc, ki sem ju (zaenkrat samo preko računalnika) spoznala na Otoku zakladov (čudovit slovenski forum ustvarjalcev), odtis štempiljke Penny Black je skupaj še z drugimi prifrčal iz Velike Britanije, pa še nekaj mini dodatkov sem seveda morala dati zraven. Sličico sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki po napotku, ki sem ga našla na YouTube-u, samo da sem namesto mokre palčke za ušesa uporabila stare, a še uporabne brisalce črnila - deluje! (pa še bolj natančno se da delati, ker je konica tanjša od palčke za učesa).

Pa še to: za počastitev obletnice ponujam vam, mojim prijaznim obiskovalcem, eno majhno darilce (ki naj bo še presenečenje). Prejemnika bom izžrebala, v žrebu pa bodo sodelovali vsi, ki mi bodo danes (15.9.2008) do polnoči poslali komentar in v njem odgovorili na tri preprosta vprašanja (odgovore nanje najdete nekje ali pa kar vsepovsod po mojem blogu):
1. Katera je moja najljubša barva?
2. Naštejte tri motive, ki jih rada in pogosto uporabljam pri ustvarjanju.
3. Kateri od mojih objavljenih izdelkov vam je bil v tem prvem letu najbolj všeč?

Še enkrat hvala za vaše obiske in prijazne besede, zdaj pa ... drugemu letu naproti!


It's my blog's first anniversary today!

And that's why it got a new "outfit" - a little bit of blue has left from the previous one, but otherwise it's a bit more shiny.

And it also got a card - with a little cake and one candle. I got the papers from two nice girls whom I've met (only over the computer for now) on the Treasure Island (Otok zakladov - a great Slovenian crafters' forum) and the Penny Black stamped image flew along with some others from Great Britain, and of course I had to add some other tiny bits. I coloured the image with watercolour pencils using the technique I found in a tutorial on YouTube, but instead of damp cotton swabs, I used some old, but still working ink eradicators - it works! (and since the tip is thinner than the cotton swab, it's even more precise).

And one more thing: to celebrate the anniversary, I'm offering a little present (I'll keep it a secret for now). The name of the person to get it will be drawn from the people who will, until tonight (15th September 2008) - midnight, send me a comment answering three simple questions (answers can be found somewhere or even all over my blog):
1. What's my favourite colour?
2. Name three motives I like using and I often use in my creations.
3. Which of my posted creations did you like the best in this first year?

Thanks again for your visits and your kind words, and now ... let's head it for the second year!


12 september 2008

Ugani, kdo je

Jaz - po dolgem času. V zadnjih dveh ali treh tednih se je količina materiala v mojem ustvarjalnem kotičku drastično povečala in edino, česar nisem imela, je bil čas, da bi vse lepe nove papirje in odtise štempiljk in prtičke in okraske še in še... uporabila za kakšno novo objavo.

Edino, kar sem vmes malo uspela početi (in še to predvsem na pobudo mojih dveh mravljičic), je bilo nekoliko nizanja perlic,

pa še stare zaloge FIMO mase sem malo zgnetla skupaj in se zabavala ob nepredvidljivih in neponovljivih vzorčkih.


It's me - after a long time. In the last two or three weeks, the quantity of materials in my creative corner has grown drastically, and the only thing I didn't have was the time to use all new beautiful papers and stamped images and napkins and embellishments etc. etc., for some new posts.

The only thing I managed to do in the meantime (and even that was mostly on a request by my two tiny ants) was some beading and I put some of my old FIMO stash together and had some fun watching the unpredictable and unrepeatable patterns.


01 september 2008

Za dober začetek

Za vse, kar se danes začne.


For all the things that start today.
