Danes se je v našem mestu začel Pikin festival in moja današnja voščilnica je posvečena Piki in vsemu, dobremu, kar njen festival vsako leto prinese.
Sličice, ki sem jih uporabila, je za eno od delavnic pred leti narisala moja najljubša ilustratorka Urška Stropnik (kljub temu, da je Velenjčanka, sem njeno najboljšo predstavitev našla na strani Zavoda za kulturo, šport in turizem Žalec).
The Pippi Longstocking Festival has begun in our town today, and my today's card is dedicated to Pippi and to all the good things that her festival brings every year.
The images I used were drawn for one of the workshops a few years ago by my favourite illustrator Urška Stropnik (despite the fact that she is from Velenje, the best presentation of her was on the website of the Cultural, Sports and Tourism Institute Žalec).