Ti dve voščilnici sta naredili moji dve mravljičici (stari 7 in 9 let) za babico za rojstni dan. Že res, da je bilo moje skladišče pod obleganjem ("to, pa še to, pa še to, a bi še to...") in da papir z giljotino pri naši hiši režem jaz, ampak izbira barv in motivov, barvanje, lepljenje in krašenje pa je bilo čisto njuno. Ponosna ponosna ponosna!
These two cards were made by my tiny ants (7 and 9 years old) for their Grandma's birthday. It is true that my craft storage was under siege ("this, and this, and maybe this, and could I use this...") and that I am the master of the paper cutter around here, but the choice of colours and motives, colouring, adhering and embellishing was totally their job. Proud proud proud!
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Pa še rezultati od včeraj. Odgovori:
1. Če bi vzeli barvi, ki sta se pojavili kot možna odgovora na prvo vprašanje, in ju zmešali, bi dobili pravi odgovor: moja najljubša barva je vijolična. Sem mislila, da bo voščilnica bolj dala namig... No, ker na to vprašanje ni bilo pravega odgovora, so vsi komentarji bili izenačeni in so še vedno vsi - vseh 5 :) - prišli v poštev.
2. Rožice vseh oblik in barv, metulji, kačji pastirji, želve, kuščarji ... in seveda vse v zvezi z morjem. Vsi odgovori so bili pravilni.
3. Tudi tu so bili vsi odgovori pravilni ;)
In izžreban je bil komentar št. 5 - Anonimni (Urša).
Za darilo pa sem si zamislila takole: v primeru, da bom imela izdelek iz 3. odgovora še doma, ga podarim, če pa ga ne bi imela, sem imela pripravljeno rezervo iz mojih zalog. No, moj plan se je izšel, tako da zdaj veste, kaj dobi Urša.
Hvala še enkrat za vse prijazne besede in dobre želje.
And for the yesterday's results. The answers:
1. If we took both colours that came up as possible answers to the first question and mixed them together, we would get the correct answer: my favourite colour is purple. I thought the card would give a hint... Well, since there was no right answer to this one, all comments were equal and were all - all 5 of them :) - taken into account.
2. Flowers of all shapes and colours, butterflies, dragonflies, turtles, lizards ... and everything about the sea of course. All answers were correct.
3. All answers were correct again ;)
The winner (decided by drawing lots) is Comment Nr 5 - Anonimni (Urša).
And this is what I had in mind for the present: if I still had the creation from the third answer, I'd give it away, and otherwise I had a "backup solution" from my stash. Well, my plan worked out just right, so now you know what Urša will get.
Thanks again for all your kind words and good wishes.