Moj blog je danes star eno leto!
In je zato dobil novo preobleko - čisto malo modre je še ostalo od prej, drugače pa bo malo bolj svetleč.
In dobil je tudi voščilnico - takšno s tortico in eno svečko. Papirčke sem dobila od dveh prijaznih punc, ki sem ju (zaenkrat samo preko računalnika) spoznala na Otoku zakladov (čudovit slovenski forum ustvarjalcev), odtis štempiljke Penny Black je skupaj še z drugimi prifrčal iz Velike Britanije, pa še nekaj mini dodatkov sem seveda morala dati zraven. Sličico sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki po napotku, ki sem ga našla na YouTube-u, samo da sem namesto mokre palčke za ušesa uporabila stare, a še uporabne brisalce črnila - deluje! (pa še bolj natančno se da delati, ker je konica tanjša od palčke za učesa).
Pa še to: za počastitev obletnice ponujam vam, mojim prijaznim obiskovalcem, eno majhno darilce (ki naj bo še presenečenje). Prejemnika bom izžrebala, v žrebu pa bodo sodelovali vsi, ki mi bodo danes (15.9.2008) do polnoči poslali komentar in v njem odgovorili na tri preprosta vprašanja (odgovore nanje najdete nekje ali pa kar vsepovsod po mojem blogu):
1. Katera je moja najljubša barva?
2. Naštejte tri motive, ki jih rada in pogosto uporabljam pri ustvarjanju.
3. Kateri od mojih objavljenih izdelkov vam je bil v tem prvem letu najbolj všeč?
Še enkrat hvala za vaše obiske in prijazne besede, zdaj pa ... drugemu letu naproti!
It's my blog's first anniversary today!
And that's why it got a new "outfit" - a little bit of blue has left from the previous one, but otherwise it's a bit more shiny.
And it also got a card - with a little cake and one candle. I got the papers from two nice girls whom I've met (only over the computer for now) on the Treasure Island (Otok zakladov - a great Slovenian crafters' forum) and the Penny Black stamped image flew along with some others from Great Britain, and of course I had to add some other tiny bits. I coloured the image with watercolour pencils using the technique I found in a tutorial on YouTube, but instead of damp cotton swabs, I used some old, but still working ink eradicators - it works! (and since the tip is thinner than the cotton swab, it's even more precise).
And one more thing: to celebrate the anniversary, I'm offering a little present (I'll keep it a secret for now). The name of the person to get it will be drawn from the people who will, until tonight (15th September 2008) - midnight, send me a comment answering three simple questions (answers can be found somewhere or even all over my blog):
1. What's my favourite colour?
2. Name three motives I like using and I often use in my creations.
3. Which of my posted creations did you like the best in this first year?
Thanks again for your visits and your kind words, and now ... let's head it for the second year!