Vzpodbudo za današnjo voščilnico sem dobila na blogu Carolyn King, ki je objavila blog "bonbonček", posvečen dnevu boja proti Alzheimerjevi bolezni. S prodajo svojih izdelkov je uspela zbrati sredstva za donacijo za Združenje za boj proti Alzheimerjevi bolezni, nato pa ponudila nekaj (veliko!) krasnih stvari tistim, ki bi ji pokazali svoje voščilnice.
Moja voščilnica je dekliška in vesela, takšna kot moji deklici (ki pa jima ni bilo čisto prav, da bom uporabila samo oblekice, in sta želeli, naj narišem punčko in jo "oblečem"). Oblekice sem izrezala iz enega srčkanega darilnega papirja, nalepila na papir različnih barv, potem pa dodala nekaj izrezanih rožic in srčkov ter dorisala nekaj vzorčkov z gel pisali.
Eden od pogojev za sodelovanje pri blog bonbončku tudi to, da naj bo voščilnica namenjena komu z Alzheimerjevo boleznijo ali negovalcem. In ker sem bila zadovoljna s tem, kako mi je voščilnica uspela, sem naredila še eno. Eno bom poslala osebju v naš dom za ostarele, za drugo pa: čez nekaj dni grem na prvo srečanje ustvarjalk s foruma, ki sem se mu pridružila letos poleti, in ker se mi je zgodilo že toliko lepih reči (sporočil, pogovorov, dobrih želja, izmenjav materiala...), odkar sem z njimi, nesem voščilnico ustvarjalki, ki me je povabila, naj se jim pridružim.
I was encouraged to make my today's card by Carolyn King's blog where she posted her blog candy dedicated to World Alzheimer's Day. By selling her products, she managed to collect a huge donation for the Alzheimer's Association, and then she offered some (a lot actually) great things to those who would be willing to share their cards.
My card is girlie and merry, just my two little girls (who, by the way, were not totally cool with the idea that I was only going to use clothes, and they wanted me to draw a girl and "dress her up"). I cut out the clothes from a cute gift wrapping paper, adhered them to paper of different colours, added some punched out hearts and flowers, and drew some pattern with my gel pens.
One of the conditions for the participation for the blog candy is that the card should be given or sent to someone suffering from the Alzheimer's or to a caretaker. And since I was satisfied with the way my card turned out, I made one more. I'm sending one to the personnel of our local senior's residence, and as far as the other one is concerned: in a few days, I'm going to my first meeting with my fellow crafters from the forum I joined this summer, and because so many beautiful things have happened to me since I joined them (messages, chats, good wishes, trading materials...), I'm taking my card to give it to the lady who invited me to join them.