No, ampak na enem od blogov Ellen Hudson pa sem vseeno zasledila eno zelo uporabno stvar: Ellen je vzela predlogo koledarja, ki jih ponujajo na strani A Muse (ves zaslužek bo šel v dobrodelne namene) in jih oblikovala po svoje. / But, I've found a very useful thing on one of Ellen Hudson's blogs: Ellen took a calendar template offered on the A Muse site (they plan to give the whole profit for charity) and made a great calender.
Jaz sem si predloge naredila sama, ker sem želela imeti slovenska imena mesecev, obliko pa sem malo pokopirala. Kar pa se dobrodelnosti tiče, jih nameravam narediti nekaj za naš decembrski dobrodelni bazar. / I've made my template myself because I wanted to have Slovenian names of the months, but I copied the design a little. And as far as the charity aspect is concerned, I plan to make some of these for our December charity bazaar.
Sličice so (seveda!) Sarah Kay - vzela sem dvanajst nalepk iz moje zaloge in jih obrezala tako, da so mi ostali kvadratki 4 x 4 cm. / The images are (of course!) Sarah Kay - I took twelve stickers from my stash and I trimmed them so that I ended up with squares of 4 x 4 cm.
Nato sem izbrala karton v treh barvah iz izrezala kvadratke 4,5 x 4,5 cm. / Then I selected the cardstock in three colours and cut out squares of 4.5 x 4.5 cm.
Pa še šest kosov kartona 12 x 24 cm (prepognjen na pol). / And 6 pieces of cardstock of 12 x 24 cm (folded in half).
Nato sem si natisnila predloge za koledar (mere kvadratov 11 x 11 cm). / Then I printed out the calendar templates (dimensions 11 x 11 cm).
Kvadrate sem izrezala - ko sem delala predloge, sem dodala nekaj dodatnih črt za pomoč. / I cut out the squares - when making the templates, I put some additonal lines for positioning.
Dokončana ena od dvanajstih strani. / One of twelve pages, finished.
Na notranji strani je za vsak mesec tudi preglednica za rojstne dneve. / On the inside, there is a page for birthdays for each month.
Dokončan koledar - z ene strani... / Finished calendar - from one side...
... pa še z druge. / ... and from the other one.
Cel koledar zložen skupaj, pripravljen za pakiranje. Glede na to, da je bil tale poskusni in predvsem to, da je bil s sličicami Sarah Kay, zanj ne potrebujem škatle, za preostale, ki jih še nameravam narediti, pa bodo tudi škatle (in navodila). / The whole calendar, stacked together, ready for packing. But considering the fact that this one was made as a test and, most of all, it has the Sarah Kay images, I won't be needing a box for it; but I will make a box (and the instructions) for the ones I plan to make.