Jaz - po dolgem času. V zadnjih dveh ali treh tednih se je količina materiala v mojem ustvarjalnem kotičku drastično povečala in edino, česar nisem imela, je bil čas, da bi vse lepe nove papirje in odtise štempiljk in prtičke in okraske še in še... uporabila za kakšno novo objavo.
Edino, kar sem vmes malo uspela početi (in še to predvsem na pobudo mojih dveh mravljičic), je bilo nekoliko nizanja perlic,
pa še stare zaloge FIMO mase sem malo zgnetla skupaj in se zabavala ob nepredvidljivih in neponovljivih vzorčkih.
It's me - after a long time. In the last two or three weeks, the quantity of materials in my creative corner has grown drastically, and the only thing I didn't have was the time to use all new beautiful papers and stamped images and napkins and embellishments etc. etc., for some new posts.
The only thing I managed to do in the meantime (and even that was mostly on a request by my two tiny ants) was some beading and I put some of my old FIMO stash together and had some fun watching the unpredictable and unrepeatable patterns.