Končno sem ga dočakala! In bilo je tako, kot sem pričakovala, in še veliko veliko več! Predstavljajte si: vzamemo približno štirideset enako mislečih žensk, njihove škatle, vrečke, torbe in kovčke, vse mogoče neverjetne izdelke, pripomočke, izkušnje. Damo v dovolj velik prostor z dovolj velikimi mizami. Ob robu naložimo kulinarične fantazije in občasno zalijemo s sončnim primorskim vinom. Vse skupaj mešamo pet do šest ur, vmes začinimo še z obdarovanji in izmenjavami. Dobimo fantastično popoldne z okusom po figovi marmeladi in toplim občutkom pri srcu. Edino, kar nam še manjka, je ponovitev takšnega srečanja.
Še enkrat hvala, punce!
Objavljam slike daril, ki sem jih nesla s seboj - albumček s kužkom je bil za obdarovanje "maček v žaklju na temo psa", FIMO perlice pa za naši gostiteljici - vsaka je dobila takšen kupček.
It finally came! And it was just as I expected, and much much more! Just imagine: we take around forty women who think alike, their boxes, bags and suitcases, all possible incredible self-made things, accessories, experience. We put them all together in a room large enough with some large (huge) tables. Around the border, we arrange culinary fantasies and occasionally add some sunny wine from the Primorska region. We stir altogether five to six hours, spice it up a bit with giving presents, trading and swapping. What we get is a fantastic afternoon with a taste of fig marmalade and a warm feeling at heart. The only thing that is still missing is another meeting like this one.
Thanks again, girls!
I'm posting the photos of the presents I took to the meeting - the album with the doggie was intended for the exchange of presents with a dog theme, and the FIMO beads were for our two hosts - each of them got a lot like the one in the photo.