V bistvu je bila sestavljanka prej; eden od mojih zadnjih nakupov je bila majhna štanca z motivom koščka sestavljanke - šele ko sem jih nekaj izrezala in postavila skupaj, sem ugotovila, da gredo skupaj (jupi!!) in sem naredila ta rumeno oranžno rdeč okvir, potem pa nekaj časa nisem vedela, kaj naj postavim vanj. Pa sem se spomnila na odtiske, ki sem jih dobila od Petye, in sem pobarvala eno deklico (moje barvanje še ni takšno, kot bi želela, ampak se trudim), ji dodala rdečo klopco in dve rožici, pa ozadje se mi je zdelo malo dolgočasno, pa sem dodala nekaj vijugic z belim gel pisalom.
Actually, the jigsaw puzzle was finished first; one of the things I've bought recently was a little paper punch of a jigsaw puzzle piece - and when I cut some of them and put them together, I found out that they go together (yippie!!) and I made this yellow and orange and red frame, but then I wasn't quite sure what to put in it. And then I remembered the stamped images I got from Petya, and I coloured one of the little girls (my colouring is not yet as good as I would like it to be, but I'm trying), added a little red bench and two flowers, and the background seemed a bit dull, so I drew some swirlies with my white gel pen.