30 april 2010

Brez besed, 9. del


Še ena frtajčkasta. S "čipsom". V dosti bolj mojih barvah.

/ Another swirly one. With chip beads. Much more in my tones.


29 april 2010

Čips in metuljčki

Ne, ni spomladanski piknik v parku :)

To so delčki, ki so rešili moj "problem". Skupaj s spominsko žico.

Lomljene koščke kamenčkov v ustreznih barvah sem izmenično s prozornimi metuljčki nanizala na žico in dodala mojih osem izbrank iz čarobne škatlice.

Nastala je zapestnica za večerne morske sprehode.


No, it is not a spring picnic in the park :)

It's the solution to my "problem". With the help of memory wire.

I strung the stone chip beads and transparent farfalle on the memory wire and added eight beauties I've selected from the magic box.

I ended up with a bracelet to wear on evening walks at the seaside.


28 april 2010

Brez besed, 8. del


Take frtajčkaste.
/ Swirly-swirls.


27 april 2010

CRAFT-alnica, izziv št. 3

CRAFT-alnica, Challenge No.3

Če bi mi pred časom kdo rekel, da bom kdaj prijavljala kakšno svojo scrapbook stran na kakšen izziv, bi ga vprašala, če je z Marsa padel. Ampak, glejte me...

/ If somebody said to me some time ago that I will be contributing a scrapbooking layout for a challenge, I would ask them about their mental health. But, look at me now...

Takoj, ko sem videla fotografijo, ki je bila pri CRAFT-alnici objavljena za inspiracijo za tretji izziv, sem vedela, da bo moj izdelek vseboval meni najljubšo fotografijo mojega dedija. A nekako se nisem mogla pripraviti do tega, da bi naredila pravo SB stran, z rezanjem, lepljenjem, dodatki... Ker so mi ta in ostale fotografije preveč dragocene. Zato sem poskusila nekaj narediti v digitalni smeri. Malo sem lovila barvno shemo, slika vsebuje tudi rožico, svečka in pisalo pa sta mi predstavljali simbol spomina.

/ As soon as I saw the photo that serves as an inspiration or the third challenge at CRAFT-alnica, I knew that my contribution would include my favourite photo of my Grandpa. But I somehow couldn't bring myself to making a real scrapbook page, with all the cutting and adhering and add-ons... Because this photo and all the others are just too precious for me. So I tried to make something digital. I tried to capture the colour scheme, the photo includes a flower, and the candle and the pen represent a symbol of remembering.

Sliko objavljam danes, ker bi danes naš dedi, če bi še bil z nami, praznoval rojstni dan.
/ I'm posting this today because today it would be my Grandpa's birthday if he was still with us.



Elementi za digitalno scrapbooking / Digital scrapbooking elements: Shabby Princess
Merilni trak / Measuring tape: milanmark.wordpress.com

26 april 2010

Tarča posmeha


... sem bila, ko sem bila na zadnjem kofetkanju spet glavna zbiralka smeti.
Padli so tudi komentarji o mojem psihiatru in dvomi o njegovi profesionalni sposobnosti.
/ That's what I was when I was the main waste collector at our last coffee session. There were also some comments about my shrink, and doubts were expressed about his professional expertise.

Predmet nezaslišanosti je bila embalaža od spiral za Bind-it-All.
/ The subject of outrageousness was the packaging of Bind-it-All spirals.

Ampak iz mojega zornega kota (od zgoraj navzdol, v vrečko) sem v njih videla potencial...
/ But from my point of view (downwards, into the bag), I saw certain potential in them...

Drage punčke, tale šopek je za vas :)
Ker vas imam rada in ker mi je v vaši družbi vedno fajn.
/ Dear girls, this bouquet is for you :)
Because I love you and I always enjoy being in your company.

Zalivalka je po načrtu s tega linka, videna tudi vsaj pri eni naši ustvarjalki.
/ The watering can was made according to the template found here, also seen on at least one Slovenian craft blog.


Deseta fotka za nalogo


Lili mi je predala nalogo, da iz prve mape fotografij izberem deseto, jo objavim in povem njeno zgodbo.
Tale pisanost je nastala septembra 2007, na evropskem tekmovanju cvetličarjev, ki je potekalo v Velenju. Od vseh tekmovalnih nalog mi je bila najbolj všeč prva, z nazivom "Pikina pojedina". S Piko Nogavičko v mislih so nastale take eksplozije barv.

/ Lili gave me the task to take the 10th photo from the first folder, post in and tell the story about it.
This abundance of colours was created in September 2007, at the European Florists' Competition in Velenje. Of all the categories, I was most impressed by the first one, "Pippi's Feast". With Pippi Longstocking in mind, the competitors created such explosions of colour.

Naloga opravljena, jaz bi pa videla, kaj so kot deseto v prvi mapi "poškljocale":
/ My task is done, and I'd like to see snapshots by:


Lepo nedeljo / Have a nice Sunday


- - -

(kasnejši pripis - v poznih nočnih urah se bloggerju včasih malo sfrka in kakšna objava ne dobi pravega datuma - zato je tale zapisana pod 26., čeprav je bila na tapeti že cel 25. No ja...
/ later edit - around midnight, there are some strange things going on with good ol' blogger, so some posts don't get their actual timestamp - that's why this post is listed under 26th even though it was here on 25th, all day long. Well...)

24 april 2010

Četrta postaja


Klavdija si je izmislila igrico. Na pot je poslala škatlo svojih fimo kroglic. Škatla potuje od postaje do postaje, nekatere kroglice izstopijo, druge vstopijo. Moja postaja je bila četrta, po obisku pri Neži, v Fimolandiji in pri Dunji.

/ Klavdija thought of a game. She sent a box filled with her fimo beads on a journey. The box travels from station to station, some beads exit, some beads enter. My station was fourth in the row, after the box visited Neža, Fimolandija and Dunja.

Te kroglice so izstopile na moji postaji:
/ These beads exited at my station:

Odločitev ni bila lahka. Malo sem imela pred očmi, da jih bom morala še sestaviti v kos nakita, pa sem vseeno jemala različne kombinacije ven, jih vračala, občudovala...
/ It was not an easy decision. I had in mind that I was supposed to assemble them intoa piece of jewelry, and I kept taking out various combinations, returning them admiring them...

Ko sem se končno odločila, sem v skladu s pravili v škatlo dala svoj prispevek.
/ When I finally made my choice, I put my contribution into the box - according to the rules.

Malo drugačne so kot dosedanje. Ena "natrgana", ena "Google", en vulkanski kamen, tri v stilu "Bang on the Door", ena s kvadratki in ena z rožicami. Upam, da bodo kateri od punc, ki še čakajo na svojih postajah, všeč in uporabne.
/ They're a bit different compared to those already in the box. One "torn", one "Google", one volcanic pebble, three times "Bang on the Door", one with little squares and one with little flowers. I hope the girls who are still waiting at their stations will like some of them and find them useful.

Tale pa je šla v posebno vrečko, kjer se zbira končna nagrada:
/ And this one went to the special bag where the final prize is being collected:

Vsebina škatlice, ki je že na poti h Katki:
/ The contents of the box which is already on its way to Katka:

Sem prav radovedna, kaj vse bodo punce še prispevale, ustvarile, pokazale.
/ I can't wait to see the things the girls will contribute, create, show.

Klavdija, hvala za tole fajno igro!
/ Klavdija, thank you for this great game!


23 april 2010

Penny Black Saturday Challenge #97

Tokrat so želeli samo rjave tone. Pa sem naredila tole veselo mačjo hišo.

Uporabljeno: rjavi palčki-malčki, StazOn Timber Brown, štampiljke iz kompletkov Penny Black Zoophabet in Fresh New Day.

/ This time, the challenge was MONOCHROMATIC BROWN. So I made this happy kitty house.

Materials used: brown inchies, StazOn Timber Brown, stamps from the set Penny Black Zoophabet and Fresh New Day.

Lepo se imejte. / Have a nice day.


21 april 2010

Bumdijada za Dan Zemlje


Vir: http://space.about.com"

Najbolj gledal kanal v naši družini je sigurno Discovery. Mi je všeč, da zadeva pritegne tudi otroke. Se pogosto zgodi, da sedimo vse štirje skupaj in gledamo. Včasih celo s skledo kokic :)
/ Our family's absolutely favourite TV channel is The Discovery Channel. I like tha fact that the kids are drawn to it as well. It happens quite often that all four of us sit down and watch it. Sometimes with a bowl of popcorn :)

Moja najljubša oddaja je definitivno How It's Made. Ker sem pač fascinirana nad domiselnimi zaporedji postopkov, natančnostjo, hitrostjo in spretnostjo. Ko recimo prikazujejo izdelavo recimo barvic, radirk, frnikol, razne embalaže in orodja, skoraj pozabim dihat. Pa razno štancanje, šivanje, barvanje, lepljenje, graviranje, sortiranje, zlaganje, pakiranje... Da sploh ne omenjam, kakšna zakladnica terminologije za moje delo je to!
/ My favourite show is definitely How It's Made. Because I'm fascinated with thoughtful sequences of processes, precision, speed and skill. When they show production of let's say coloured pencils, erasers, marbles, packaging or tools, I almost forget to breathe. And all kinds of die cutting, sewing, painting, gluing, adhering, sorting, folding, packing... Not to mentrion the abundance of terminology for my work!

Vir: http://docuwiki.net

Kar pa se tiče voditeljev in akterjev oddaj - seveda imam tudi tukaj svojo lestvico.
/ And as far as show hosts and crews are concerned - of course I have my list here as well.

- - -

Bumdijada št. 3: / Boom-Diada No. 3: Bear Grylls (Ultimate Survival)

Vir: http://www.thedailygreen.com

Saj vemo, da ima s seboj ekipo, ampak včasih se spravlja v situcije, da izgleda tako utrujen in premražen, da poleg občudovanja vzbuja tudi kak občutek sočutja.
/ OK, we know he's got his crew with him, but he sometimes puts himself in situations where he looks so tired and cold that he evokes both admiration and feelings of compassion.

Dokler ne začne jest :) / Until he starts eating :)

- - -

Bumdijada št. 2: / Boom-Diada No. 2: Adam Savage & Co. (Mythbusters)

Vir: http://tweenparenting.about.com

Poleg dobrega pristopa in zanimivih rešitev so mi najbolj všeč njihove hitre skice (belo na modro) in to, kako se režijo ob vsaki eksploziji :)
/ Beside their good approach and interesting solutions, I love their quick sketches (white on blue) and the way they laugh their pants off whenever they blow something up. :)

- - -

Bumdijada št.1 / Boom-Diada No. 1: Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs)

Vir: http://bsalert.com

Zanemarimo ogabnost marsičesa, kar počne v oddaji. Najraje ga imam zaradi smisla za humor in jezik. Stvari, ki se v prevodih (na žalost) pogosto izgubijo. Recimo "Micro? Oh, that's me..."
/ Setting aside the grossness of many things he does on the show, he's my favourite for his sense of humour and langugage. The things that (unfortunately) often get lost in translation. For example "Micro? Oh, that's me...

- - -

A zakaj "Bumdijada"? / Oh, why Boom-Diada?

Zato. / That's why.

- - -

In katera je vaša najljubša oddaja na Discovery-ju? In kdo je vaš najljubši Bumdijada?
/ And what's your favourite Discovery show? And who's your favourite Boom-Diada?


Brez besed, 7. del

NO WORDS, Part 7

In črno. In belo.
/ And Black. And white.


20 april 2010

Brez besed, 6. del

NO WORDS, Part 6

/ Black and white.


19 april 2010

Brez besed, 5. del

NO WORDS, Part 5

Vijoličaste vijugice in hrapava površina.
/ Purple swirls and a coarse surface.


18 april 2010

Brez besed, 4. del

NO WORDS, Part 4


17 april 2010

Brez besed, 3. del

NO WORDS, Part 3

Tehnika natrganih papirčkov. Spodnji obesek še čaka vrvico s pravim roza odtenkom.
/ Torn paper technique. The pendant in the second photo is still waiting for cord in the right shade of pink.


16 april 2010

Brez besed, 2. del

NO WORDS, Part 2

Cini-miniji. Mlajši bratci od palčkov-malčkov. Se dobro znajdejo tudi na papirju :)
/ Teeny-weenies. Inchies' little brothers. Can be used on paper just as well. :)


15 april 2010

Serija "Brez besed"

Ugotovila sem, da mi je ta mesec uspelo, da sem do danes še čisto vsak dan nekaj objavila.
Ugotovila sem, da imam še nekaj neobjavljenih slik mojih zadnjih fimo seans.
In ugotovila sem, da mi naslednjih nekaj dni situacija ne bo dopuščala ustvarjanja ali kakšnega dolgega pisanja.
In da ne prekinem toka objav, je za naslednjih nekaj dni na vrsti serija "Brez besed". Nekaj izdelkov v znanih tehnikah, tako da mi jih res ni treba opisovati.

Vam pa ni treba biti "brez besed" :)


I've realised that this month I've managed to write a post every day so far.
I've realised that I've got some more photos of my last fimo sessions that I haven't shown you yet.
And I've realised that due to my present situation, I won't be able to create or write much in the next few days.
So in order not to interrupt the series of posts, I'll be showing the "No words" series for a few days.
Some of my pieces in well-known techniques, so I really don't have to describe anything.

However, you don't have to be "without words", though :)


14 april 2010

Penny Black Saturday Challenge #96

Že kar nekaj časa nisem naredila kakšne stvari za moj najljubši izziv, kjer je poleg tedenskih zahtev vedno treba uporabiti vsaj en Penny Black motiv. Izziv tega tedna so: GUMBI.
Pa sem poskusila narediti poletno bluzico, ki se zapenja z gumbi in v notranjosti še nekaj skriva (kot vsaka bluza).

/ It's been quite some time since I last made something for my favourite challenge where it is necessary to follow weekly requirements and always use at least one Penny Black stamped image. This week's challenge is: BUTTONS GALORE
So I went and tried to make this summer blouse that can be buttoned up and also hides something inside (as any other blouse does).

The complete text of the card (sorry about the glare): "best things ... aren't always obvious at first sight"

Za domače potrebe sem pripravila tudi besedilo v slovenščini.
/ For local purposes, I prepared the text in Slovenian language as well.

besedilo: "najboljše stvari ... niso vedno očitne na prvi pogled"

Malo za hec, malo pa je tudi skrite resnice...
/ A bit for fun, but there is also some thruth hidden in the message...


13 april 2010

Želite lepo vreme?

Nič lažjega.

Za en ples potrebujete:
- dovolj prostora
- boben ali dva
- ropotuljico (najboljše so tiste s školjkami)
- pomanjkljivo in ustvarjalno okrašeno opravo
- levjo grivo (pričesko)
- ogrlico iz vulkanskih kamenčkov.

Če ne živite na vulkanskem področju, bodo tudi taki iz fima dobri.


No problem.

For one dance, you will need:
- enough room
- a drum or two
- a rattle (the best are those with shells)
- a few clothes, creatively decorated
- a lion's mane (hairstyle)
- a necklace made of lava pebbles

If you don't live in a volcanic region, some pebbles made of fimo will do fine just as well.


12 april 2010

Nina nana

Svojo zadnjo baby serijo zaključujem še z dvema preprostima, nežnima voščilnicama. Ena s Penny Black ježkom in druga s sestavnimi deli iz nahrčkanih zalog, s praznim prostorčkom za morebitno posvetilo. Zaenkrat gresta na kupček, čakat primerno priložnost.


I'm rounding up my latest baby series with two simple, soft cards. One with a Penny Black little hedgehog and another one with elements from my pile of gathered material, wit some empty spase for an eventual sentiment. For now, they are going to the stash, to wait for an appropriate ocassion.


11 april 2010

Izziv, ki to ni in hkrati je


Lili je za drugi izziv na CRAFT-alnici naredila voziček, ki mi je bil že na prvi pogled nepopisno všeč. In že v komentar sem ji napisala, da rabim enega takega v roza barvi. Ker sem dan prej izvedela za eno princesko, ki je osrečila kolegovo družino.
/ For the second challenge at CRAFT-alnica, Lili made a baby pram which I liked immensely at first sight. And I wrote in my comment that I needed one in pink. Because the day before, I got the news of a little princess who brought new joy in my colleague's family.

Pa sem se ga lotila. Pri Lili in pri Mayi sem malo špegala, večinoma pa sva si s papirjem toliko "na ti", da je šlo brez večjih zapletov.
/ So I went and tried. I peeked a little bit at Lili's and Maya's blog, but mostly, paper and I are pretty good friends, so things went quite well.

Z rezultatom sem kar zadovoljna. Nekaj popravkov bi bilo za upoštevat naslednjič, ampak o tem bom razmišljala takrat... Če sploh bo "takrat", ker me bodo verjetno premamili spet drugi Izzivi in izzivi.
/ I'm pretty satisfied with the result. There might be some things to remember and change for the next time, but that's something I'll leave until then. If there is "then" at all, because I'll be probably tempted by new Challenges and challenges.


10 april 2010

Pa kaj je s tem imenom

Ne gledam telenovel. Gledam pa razne CSI, FBI, odvetniške, detektivske, zdravniške nanizanke. Ameriške in britanske. In seveda imam v vsaki nekoga "za učke spočit".
/ I don't watch any "telenovela". But I do watch several CSI, FBI, lawyer, detective and doctor series. Both American and British. And of course I have a certain character in each series "to lay my eyes on".

Jp, vsi trije. Med drugimi.
/ Yep, all three of them. Among others.

Adam Rodriguez, Enrique Murciano, Danny Pino
(vir/source: http://www.buzzine.com)

In potem sem pred kratkim slučajno ugotovila, da je v nanizankah, ki jih gledam, vsem najbolj gledljivim likom ime Danny.
/ And then recently I realised that in many shows that I watch, the most watchable character's name is Danny.

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murziano / Without a Trace)

(vir/source: http://www.cbs.com)

Danny Reyes (Kevin Alejandro / Shark)

(vir/source: http://www.lasplash.com)

Danny Messer (Carmine Giovinazzo / CSI New York)

(vir/source: http://www.sodahead.com)

Danny McCoy (Josh Duhamel / Las Vegas)

(vir/source: http://hillie1203.wordpress.com)

In še en, ki je sicer Scotty, ampak ga igra Danny (Pino / Cold Case)
/ And another one, who is actually Scotty, but the actor's name is Danny (Pino / Cold Case)

(vir/source: http://www.buddytv.com)

Pa še en, ki ni iz nanizanke, ampak čisto ta pravi / And another one, not a TV character, but very very real

Danny Jones (McFly)

(vir/source: http://s575.photobucket.com)

Ampak danes zvečer bosta pa druga dva za učke spočit. / But tonight, we've got two other hunks to lay our eyes on.
Commodus & Maximus.

(vir/source: http://www.the-reel-mccoy.com)


Kako že reče Polona? Hormonske motnje?
Pa kaj! Uživajte.

/ What does Polona call this? Hormonal disorder?
So what! Enjoy.
