31 oktober 2008

Namesto noči čarovnic

... in vseh drugih praznikov smo pri nas praznovali rojstni dan. Naš dedi je dobil ti dve pupiki.


... and all other holidays, our family celebrated a birthday. Our Grandpa got these two cuties.


30 oktober 2008

Sprehodi in potovanja


Tale srčkana gospodičnica se je po vseh dogodivščinah danes prisprehodila do mene. / This cute little miss finally found her way to my place today - after all her adventures.

To je namreč Sarika na voščilnici, ki je bila v swapu namenjena meni. Pa se je prva voščilnica izgubila in je bila moja swapika tako prijazna, da mi je naredila in poslala novo. / Namely, this is Sarah that was intended for me in our swap. But the first card got lost and my swap buddy was so sweet that she made and sent me another one.

Čestitka je obenem tudi koledarček - lahko se jo postavi na mizo, zgoraj desno pa je žepek, v katerega se vstavi majhen mesec. Srčkano! Pa vsi dodatki in podrobnosti! / The card is at the same time a calender - it can be put upright on the table, and in the upper right corner, there is a little pocket where you can slip in a little month. Cute! And all the add-ons and details!

Tukaj pa je še bonbonček, ki sem ga dobila od organizatorke swapa - za tolažbo, ker nisem dobila svoje voščilnice, čeprav mi jo je copatek poslala. A niso te punce prijazne? (copatek, tale bonbonček bom delila s teboj.) / And here is the candy I got from the girl who organised the swap - as a consolation because I didn't get my card as though copatek had sent it to me. Aren't these girls sweet? (copatek, I'm going to share this candy with you.)

Pa še nekaj bonbončkov. / And a few more candies.

Te srčkaste razcepkice in netki so bili moj prvi nakup v pravljični trgovinici Memories v Celju. / These cute little brads and eyelets were my first purchase in a little fairy-tale shop in Celje called Memories.

In tole je moj "plen" s sejma v Vicenzi. Dvajset lepih papirjev, dve štanci...
/ And this is my "catch" from the fair in Vicenza. Twenty beautiful papers, two punches...

... štempiljke (jelenčki na saneh, zajčki in sovice, pa še črkice v krogcih, ki sem se jih že lotila in črke izrezala iz sredine - tako jih bo lažje kombinirati)... / ... stamps (reindeers on the sleigh, little bunnies and owls, and letters in circles, which I already cut out from the centres so that it will be easier to combine them) ...

... štiri pastelne blazinice in trije kompletki lepljivih črkic. / ... four pastel ink pads and three sets of sticky letters.

27 oktober 2008


Da slučajno "rožnati oktober" ne mine brez mojega roza prispevka.

Odtis je še eden izmed vseh srčkanih, ki sem jih dobila od BojaMoje, pobarvan je z akvarelnimi svinčniki. Najprej sem ga izrezala tako, da sem pustila tanek bel rob, potem pa se mi je nekako zazdelo, da bo natančno izrezana sličica boljša. Karton za podlago in osnovo je iz Lidla, spodnji roza papir je iz Ikee, zgornji s srčki pa je tapeta. Rožice so naštancane, trakci so iz domače zaloge, vse skupaj je okrašeno še z metalik roza pisalom.


So that "pink October" doesn't pass by without my pink contribution.

The stamped image is one of the cuties I got from BojaMoja, and is coloured with watercolour pencils. As I first cut it out, I left a thin white border, but then it seemed to me that an accurately cut out picture would be better. The cardstock for the circle and the base of the card is from Lidl, the lower pink paper is from Ikea and the upper one with hearts is a wallpaper. The flowers are punched out, the ribbons are from the home stash, and everything is embellished with my metallic pink pen.


26 oktober 2008

Super ekstra hitri

... so rjavčki (brownies) iz mikrovalovne, ki sem jih našla danes na tem blogu in jih takoj preizkusila. Malo sem bila skeptična, ampak so uspeli 100 procentno!
Običajno ne objavljam receptov, ampak tale me je popolnoma navdušil, poleg tega pa se trenutno ukvarjam z zadevami, ki jih zaradi otoških pravil ne smem pokazati, dokler swapi niso zaključeni.

V posodo, primerno za mikrovalovno pečico, damo
4 žlice moke
4 žlice sladkorja
2 žlici kakava

1 jajce
3 žlice mleka
3 žlice olja

Premešamo, da dobimo gladko maso in damo v mikrovalovko. Če je 1000 W, za 3 minute, če je manj, podaljšamo čas za 10 do 20 sekund.
Vzamemo ven in ohladimo. Gotovo!

Slike nimam, ker nisem bila dovolj hitra :)
Pojedeno "v luftu", edina pripomba je bila, da bi lahko mičkeno bolj sladko (ker je kakav grenek) - pa sem razmišljala, da bi dala en vanilin sladkor. No, drugič bo.


... are the brownies from the microwave that I found today on this blog and tested the recipe right away. I was a bit sceptical, but they were a 100% success!
I usually don't post recipes, but I was totally blown away by this one, and beside that, I'm working on some things that - according to the forum rules - I'm not allowed to show until the swaps have been finished.

Here goes:
We take a microwave safe dish and put in
4 spoonfuls of flour
4 spoonfuls of sugar
2 spoonfuls of cocoa

We add
1 egg
3 spoonfuls of milk
3 spoonfuls of oil

We stir all ingredients well and put the dish in the microwave oven. If it has 1000 w, for 3 minutes, if less, we add 10 or 20 seconds.
We take it out and let is cool down. Done!

I don't have a photo because I wasn't quick enough :)
It was eaten "in a jiffy", the only remark was that it could be a bit sweeter (because the cocoa is quite bitter) - and I had been actually thinking of addind a packet of vanilla sugar. Well, next time I will.


24 oktober 2008

Sladko pričakovanje


Tooooliko stvari, ki se jih lahko veselim!

Zgodaj zjutraj grem na svoj prvi ustvarjalni sejem v Italijo! Komaj čakam! Moje prijazne sootočanke so me povabile in me vzamejo s seboj in sem že nekaj dni čisto nestrpna. Poročilo sledi...

/Soooo many things to look forward to!

Early in the morning, I'm heading off to Italy to visit a craft fair for the first time! I just can't wait! My dear fellow crafters kindly invited me and are willing to take me with them and I've been totally excited. I'll be posting a report as soon as I can...

Poleg tega je trenutno "v zraku" kar nekaj blog bonbončkov, na katerih sem pustila svoj pozdravček - predvsem za to, da lastnicam čestitam za njihove obletnice ali okrogle številke obiskov ali druge priložnosti. Če se mi še pa sreča nasmehne, bo pa sploh super.

/ In addition to that, there are a few blog candies "lingering" at the moment and I posted my greetings on some of them - mostly to congratulate the owners for their anniversaries or number of visits or other occasions. But if I get lucky too, it'll be just great.

Tukaj so:
Here goes:

Terry Baileys
(konec 25.10.2008 / ending 25th Oct 2008)

Julie - Scrapping Away
(konec 01.11.2008 / ending 1st Nov 2008)

Kim Marie
(konec 28.10.2008 / ending 28th Oct 2008)

Kristin Hubick
(konec 31.10.2008 / ending 31st Oct 2008)

In poleg vsega še vedno čakam moj paketek s štempiljkami in štancami... O, sladko pričakovanje!
/ And above all, I'm still waiting for my little package of stamps and paper punches...Oh, sweet anticipation!


23 oktober 2008

Odejice in Sarah Kay


Včeraj sem obljubila še nekaj odejic in jih zdaj objavljam. Fotografije so malo slabše - če mi bo uspelo narediti boljše, jih bom zamenjala. / I promised some more blankets yesterday and I'm posting them now. The photos are not so good - if I manage to get better shots, I'll replace them.

Fajn mi jih je bilo delat. Postopek je bil že znan, razporeditev tudi, pa sem samo papirčke izrezala in jih sestavila skupaj. / I really enjoyed making them. I was familiar with the procedure and arrangement, so I only had to cut and punch the papers and assemble everything together.

In ob tem še odgovor: "Petit Beurre" štanco sem kupila v Avstriji, za navadne kvadratke pa nimam štance, ampak jih režem z giljotino. / And the answers to yesterday's comments: I bought the "Petit Beurre" punch in Austria, and I don't have a punch for regular squares - I cut them with my paper cutter.

Tole pa je odtis, ki sem ga pobarvala za sodelovanje v otoškem swapu voščilnic z istim motivom. / And this is the stamped image that I coloured for my participation in the island swap of cards with the same motive.

Ko sem sličico pobarvala, sem uspela pokvariti ozadje. Zato sem pobarvala še drugi odtis, izdelala okvirček in voščilnico malo okrasila v ujemajočih barvah. In jo poslala naprej. / When I coloured the motiv, I managed to mess up the background, so I coloured the second stamped image, made a frame and decorated the card a bit in matching colours.

Ampak tiste prve pa nisem mogla vreči stran. In sem jo obrezala, da se pokvarjenega ozadja ni videlo in naredila še tole. / But I couldn't toss the first one it away. I cut it out and removed the messed-up background and made this one.

Tukajle pa so mojstrovine vseh sodelujočih v swapu. Bravo, punce!/ And here are the masterpieces of all participants in the swap. Way to go, girls!


22 oktober 2008


Današnja voščilnica, ki jutri potuje k svoji prejemnici, je enostavna - iz mojega modro-rumenega kompletka sem izštancala po dva kvadratka (jaz jim pravim Petit Beurre ali Albert keksi), jih razporedila na modro podlago, dodala bele šive s Sakura pisalom, in se mi je zazdela kot odejica. Naredila sem še rumen rob in vse skupaj nalepila na modro ozadje. Gumb je moja izdelava - iz kartona sem izštancala tri kroge, vsakemu z ročno štanco naredila dve luknjici, jih zlepila skupaj in prevezala s svetlo in temno modro rafijo. Za motive sem preizkušala marsikaj - od Tildik, Panduro deklic, ježkov... pa sem potem pristala pri petih mini rožicah v ujemajočih barvah.
Najlepše pri vsem pa je, da imam še tri podobne kompletke papirja! Pridite jutri pogledat...


My today's card that is traveling to a birthday girl tomorrow, is pretty simple - I took my blue and yellow paper set and punched out sixteen scalloped squares (I call them Petit Beurre), I arranged them on a blue background, added white faux stitches with my Sakura gel pen, and it started to look like a blanket. I made a yellow border and put everything on the blue background. I made the button - I took some cardstock, punched out three circles and made two holes in each with a hand-held punch. I glued them together and tied them with a light and dark blue raffia. I tried out different motives - Tildas, Panduro girls, hedgehoggies... but I ended up with five mini flowers in matching colours.
And the most wonderful thing is that I have three more paper sets like this one! Come by and check it out tomorrow...


20 oktober 2008

Moje prve štiri Tildike

Skrivnost razkrita. Saj ne, da ne bi hotela, ampak preprosto nisem utegnila narediti voščilnic s svojimi novimi štempiljkami. Kar tako praznih odtiskov pa iz znanih razlogov tudi nisem mogla objaviti... Da pa čakanje ne bo predolgo, sem od vsake eno slikico pobarvala, da jih pokažem, da si moje so-otočanke naredijo kljukico. To pa je tudi vse za danes. Delo kliče.


Secret revealed. Not that I wouldn't want to, I just simply didn't have time to make cards with my new stamps. Neither could I post empty images - for well-known reasons... But in order to make the waiting time a bit shorter, I coloured one of each image to show you. And that is all for today. Work calling.


19 oktober 2008


Tokrat ena majhna navihanka (očitno bom morala odpreti novo kategorijo za Tildike...), ki bo prenesla dobre želje bivši sodelavki.
Pa še izdelava: odtis, ki sem dobila od Petye (Petya, imam nekaj novih za menjavo!), je pobarvan z akvarelnimi svinčniki, kartoni so iz Lidla (ozadje mi je bilo malo prepusto, zato sem ga še malo "napikala"), krogec in rožice so iz kompleta papirjev iz mojega zadnjega zapravljanja, bel okvirček pa je ...khm khm... podstavek za kavno skodelico (v eni kavarni so bili tako prijazni, da so mi jih dali celo škatlo)! Oranžen trak je iz cvetličarne, gumbke pa sem našla v veliki škatli v hiši mojega dedka, ki je bil krojač.


This time, a michievous little girl (obviously, I'll have to add a category for Tildas...) to bring my good wishes to an ex-colleague of mine.
And this is how it's made: the stamped image that I got from Petya (Petya, I've got a few new ones to swap with you!), is coloured with waterlocour pencils, the cardstock is from my Lidl stash (the background seemed a bit dull, so I added some pricked swirlies), the circle and the punched flowers are from the paper set I got on my latest shopping spree, and the white scalloped frame is ... khm khm... a little napkin you get under the coffee cup (the guys in one of our cafes were so nice that they actually gave me a whole box)! The orange ribbon is from the florist's shop, and I found these little buttons in a big box in my Grandpa's house (he was a taylor).


17 oktober 2008

Palčki-malčki za slavljenca

Pred kratkim sem si naročila komplet papirjev z različnimi vzorci. Že ko sem jih naročala, sem imela pred očmi ideje, kaj bom počela z njimi - tale današnja je ena od njih. In ko sem jih dobila - v živo so še lepši kot na sliki! No, nekaj listov sem narezala na kvadratke, jih razporedila po robu voščilnice, kot osrednji motiv pa je bil izbran tale mali uživač.
In kdo je slavljenec? Moj brat!
Vse najboljše!


I recently ordered a set of patterned paper. When I was ordering them, I already had some ideas in my mind as to what I can do with them - today I'm posting one of them. And when I got them - They llok even better in nature that they do in the photo! Well, I cut up some sheets into little squares and arranged them on the border of the card, and the central motive today is this little fellow.
And who is the birthday boy? My brother!
Happy birthday


16 oktober 2008

Ena jesenska

Za današnjo voščilnico sem uporabila karton v štirih barvah (tisti iz Lidla), dva različno široka trakca, okraski v kotih so od Karen Marie (originalno beli, pa sem jih pobarvala s črnim flomastrom), odtis Tilde, ki mi ga je dala BojaMoja, pa sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki. Malo temnejša, malo bolj žalostna, ker je danes pač tak dan...


For today's card, I used cardstock in four colours (I got it at Lidl), two ribbons, the embellishments in the corners are by Karen Marie (originally they were white, and I coloured them with a black marker), and the stamped image of Tilda, that I got from BojaMoja, is coloured with watercolour pencils. A bit darker, a bit more sad, appropriate for a day like today...


14 oktober 2008


Moja današnja objava je drugačna od običajnih, ampak tole, kar sem našla, mi je bilo tako všeč, da sem to hotela deliti še z vami. Med iskanjem nekega primernega izraza sem preverjala še med slikami in tale vijoličasta je ujela moj pogled. In ko sem kliknila nanjo - presenečenje!
(Če bi bile vse na razpolago in bi imela dovolj denarja, da bi si jih lahko izbrala deset, bi še vedno imela problem!)


My today's post is different from the usual ones, but I liked the page I've found so much I wanted to share it with you. While searching for a certain appropriate expression, I wanted to double-check it in the Images section, and this violet beauty caught my eye. And when I clicked on it - surprise!
(If they were all available and I had enough money to pick ten of them, I would still have a problem!)


12 oktober 2008

Kaj dobimo...

...če v eni trgovini čisto slučajno najdemo nalepke Sarah Kay, potem pa čez nekaj časa v drugi trgovini še magnetni trak za strojček za izdelovanje magnetov?
(Prva je Mercator, druga pa Interspar ali Direndaj.)
Magnetni trak je tudi lepljiv na eni strani, tako da lahko nanj prilepimo tudi navaden papir ali karton. Sicer je tanek, tako da se kaj več kot kakšen majhen papirček verjetno niti ne bodo obdržal na tabli ali hladilniku, ampak to se hitro odtehta z dejstvom, da ga lahko režemo z nožkom ali škarjicami, pa celo štancamo ga lahko!

Dobimo idejo. Nalepke nalepimo na magnetni trak, jih izrežemo in dobimo super luškane magnetke za oboževalce motivov Sarah Kay.


...if we accidentally find Sarah Kay stickers in one shop, and then after some time a magnet tape, a refill for a little magnet maker in another?

The magnet tape is sticky on one side so that any paper or cardstock can be adhered to it as well. It is thin though, so that it probably won't be able to hold more than a little piece of paper on a board or a fridge, but this is quickly compensated by the fact that it can be cut with a knife of scissors, and you can even punch out motives with paper punches!

We get an idea. We adhere the stickers to the magnet tape, cut them out and we get super cute magnets for Sarah Kay "aficionados".


10 oktober 2008


Ko sem prvič naletela na štempiljke Magnolia, so mi bile punčke in fantki kljub lepim motivom in kombinacijam nekoliko čudni, ker niso imeli ust, meni pa se je zdelo, da so usta poleg oči najpomembnejša, da dajo smehljaj, izraz. In kar nekako nisem mogla razumeti navdušenja nad motivi Tilde in Edvina. Ko pa sem od Petye dobila svoje prve odtise in jih poskusila tudi sama pobarvati, sem se nalezla navdušenja in zdaj sem že tako daleč, da sem si celo naročila nekaj svojih! Zelo težko sem se odločila med vsemi ljubkimi motivi, na koncu pa so prevladali tisti, ki jih na Otoku zakladov še nimamo, da bomo potem spet lahko kaj izmenjale. Komaj čakam!
Za današnjo voščilnico za mojo svakinjo, ki danes praznuje rojstni dan, sem izbrala odtis Tilde z jesenskim šopkom, pobarvala sem jo z akvarelnimi svinčniki, nato pa dodala samo še štiri jesenske listke (štanca) in šive po robu okroglega okvirčka (ugotovila sem, kako krasno se riše šive s tanko konico Tria markerja!).
V živo je voščilnica lepša kot na fotografiji, ampak lahko pa rečem: ko bom velika, bi rada znala Tildike barvati kot Aija!


When I first came across Magnolia stamps, the boys and girls seemed a bit strange to me, in spite of beautiful motives and combinations. because they didn't have a mouth, and I thought the mouth - beside the eyes - is the most important, they give a smile, an expression. And I somehow couln't understand the excitement over the motives of Tilda and Edwin. But when I got my first stamped images from Petya and tried to colour them myself, I started to feel the thrill and now I've got so far that recently I even ordered some myself! It was so hard to decide and to choose from all those cute motives, but in the end, I picked some we don't have on our Treasure Island yet, so that we can swap some images again. Can't wait!
Today's card is for my sister-in-law who is celebrating her birthday today. I took a stamped image of Tilda with a Fall Bouquet, coloured it in with watercolour pencils, and only added four autumn leaves (paper punch) and faux stitches at the border of the round frame (I found out how great can these stitches be drawn with the fine point of Tria markers!)
The card is more beautiful in nature than it is in the photo, but I still can say: When I grow up I would sure like to know how to colour Tildas like Aija does!


07 oktober 2008


Danes mi delo kaj več ne dopušča, izpolnjujem pa obljubo od včeraj in objavljam vsebino paketka, ki bo odpotoval k izžrebanki. Danes ni nobenih kosmatih rok ;)


Today I'm just too busy to post anything more than the photo I promised you yesterday - the contents of my goody-bag for the lucky winner. No hairy hands today ;)


06 oktober 2008

Pa še en praznik


Današnji pa je družinski - en naš mali pikec danes praznuje svoj prvi rojstni dan! In je od nas štirih dobil tega Penny Black medvedka. / But today it is a family one - one of our little guys is celebrating his first birthday today! And he got this Penny Black teddy from the four of us.

Joj, ti prazniki :) V opisu dneva izdelovalcev voščilnic je zapisano, da praznik pomeni začetek sezone izdelovanja decembrskih (božičnih in novoletnih) voščilnic, pri nas pa je še toliko rojstnih dni in pričakovanih dojenčkov, da sploh ne vem, kdaj bom spet zagnala rdečo - zeleno - zlato - belo - srebrno - modro "proizvodnjo". Pa bom letos res morala malo prej... / Oh my, these holidays :) In the description of the Card Making Day, it is stated that the holiday means a kick-off for the season of making December (Christmas and New Year) cards, but I still have so many birthdays coming up and expected babies that I just don't know when I'll start my red - dark green - golden - white - silver - blue "production". But I will really have to do it a bit earlier this year...

In če že govorim o dnevu izdelovalcev voščilnic, imam še en dolg za 20 (dvajset!!!) tistih, ki so objavili komentar na objavo 4.10.2008. Glede na to, da nisem postavila časovne omejitve, sem se potem, ko se je številka približevala 15, odločila, da bom še malo počakala. / Speaking of the Card Making Day, I've got one more pleasant thing to do for those 20 (twenty!!!) who sent their comments to my post of 4th October 2008. Considering that I did not set the time limit, I decided (after I saw the number was approaching 15) to wait a bit longer.

In tukaj je 20 sodelujočih: / And here are the 20 participants:

spravljenih v čarobno vrečo / put in the magic bag

žrebanje - roka ni moja! :) / drawing the lucky winner - not by my hand! :)

srečna dobitnica / the lucky winner

Čestitke! / Congratulations!

Sliko vsebine paketka bom objavila jutri. / I'll post a photo of the contents of the package tomorrow.

Še enkrat hvala vsem! / Thank you all once again!


05 oktober 2008

Še en praznik

Danes je svetovni dan učiteljev in za moje bivše sodelavce sem naredila tole voščilnico, da bodo vedeli, da mislim nanje in jih pogrešam. Ker je danes nedelja, jih bo voščilnica v zbornici pozdravila jutri.


It is the World Teachers' Day today and I made this card for my ex-colleagues so that they will know that I think about them and miss them. And since today is Sunday, the card will greet them in their staff room tomorrow.
(the quotation on the card: "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops.” Henry Brooks Adams)


04 oktober 2008



1. Danes je Svetovni dan izdelovalcev voščilnic. In kaj lepšega bi še lahko dobila kot 10000 obiskov mojega bloga! Hvala vsem, ki blog obiskujete redno ali občasno, ki mi posredujete kakšen prijazen komentar ali pa samo dovolite, da vam kakšna moja objava polepša trenutek.
/ It is the World Card Making Day today. And what better present could I get than 10000 visits to my blog! I'd like to thank everyone who come and visit my blog, regularly or occasionally, post a kind comment or just let my posts make you feel good.

2. No, še malo sem se danes obdarovala - oddala sem svoje prvo naročilo za štempiljke in pripomočke (pri Addicted to Rubber Stamps).
/ Well, I got me another present - I placed my first order for stamps and tools (at Addicted to Rubber Stamps).

3. In malo bom obdarovala tudi vas. Med prvimi dvajsetimi komentarji na to objavo - človek mora vedno biti optimist :) - bom izžrebala nekoga, ki bo prejel en paketek s pripomočki za izdelovanje voščilnic.
/ And I'll be getting a present to one of you too. Among the first twenty comments to this post - one should always be an optimist :) - I'll randomly pick one to get a small package of cardmaking supplies.

4. In ker je eden od (glavnih) namenov praznika ta, da se izdelovalke in izdelovalci voščilnic obdarujejo tudi med seboj, bom na našem ustvarjalnem forumu danes razpisala swap voščilnic (tema naj še malo ostane skrivnost).
/ And since of the (main) purposes of the holiday is for the cardmakers to exchange presents, I plan to organise a card swap at our crafters' forum today (let the topic remain a secret for a while).


03 oktober 2008

Za pevce

Včeraj sem bila na koncertu ob 20. obletnici velenjskega srednješolskega zbora, v katerem sem prvih pet let pela tudi jaz. Krasno je bilo! Krasen koncert, po koncertu pa druženje s prijatelji, od katerih se z nekaterimi nismo videli že leta, pa spomini, pa petje (koliko pesmi se še spomnimo, čeprav je že več kot deset let, odkar smo skupaj prepevali!)...
In ker sva z novo zborovodkinjo še od naših srednješolskih dni zelo dobri prijateljici, sem zboru še s toliko večjim veseljem naredila eno voščilnico za obletnico.

Motiv sem našla na strani http://ngfl.northumberland.gov.uk, moder papir z notami je iz domače zaloge, modre notke sem izštancala, violinski ključ pa izrezala z nožkom.


Yesterday I went to the concert to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Velenje high school choir - I was a member for the first five years. It was fabulous! A great concert, and after the concert some hanging out with friends (I hadn't seen some of them for years), and memories, and songs - we can still remember so many songs although it's been more than ten years since we sang together!
The new conductor has been my good friend since our high school years, so it was an even greater pleasure to make a card for the choir for its anniversary.

I found the motive at http://ngfl.northumberland.gov.uk, the blue paper with notes is from my stash, I punched the blue notes with a paper punch and I cut out the treble clef with my cutter.


02 oktober 2008

Moj drugi izziv

Tokratni barvni navdih št. 24 Kristine Werner je v jesenskih barvah, ki kar kličejo po jesenskih motivih. Tu je moja voščilnica. Uporabila sem enobarvni papir v barvah, podobnih predpisanim, štempiljko z motivom lista, temno rjav trakec, nekaj štanc in nekaj dodatkov. Tokrat pa sem res šla na najpreprostejšo preprostost.


This time Kristina Werner's Color Inspiration # 24 is in autumn colours that simply call for autumn motives. Here is my card. I used monochromatic paper in colours similar to the prescribed ones, a stamp with a leaf motive, some dark brown ribbon, some paper punches and embellishments. I went for super simplicity this time.


01 oktober 2008

Še tri dni

do Svetovnega dneva izdelovalcev voščilnic!
(Ne morem, verjeti, da je že leto naokoli.)
Sicer še ne vem čisto, kako bom letos proslavila, ampak sobotna objava bo vsekakor posvečena prazniku.


until the World Cardmaking Day!
(I can't believe a year has already passed.)
I'm not quite sure yet how I'll celebrate it this year, but my Saturday post will most surely be dedicated to the holiday.
