26 oktober 2008

Super ekstra hitri

... so rjavčki (brownies) iz mikrovalovne, ki sem jih našla danes na tem blogu in jih takoj preizkusila. Malo sem bila skeptična, ampak so uspeli 100 procentno!
Običajno ne objavljam receptov, ampak tale me je popolnoma navdušil, poleg tega pa se trenutno ukvarjam z zadevami, ki jih zaradi otoških pravil ne smem pokazati, dokler swapi niso zaključeni.

V posodo, primerno za mikrovalovno pečico, damo
4 žlice moke
4 žlice sladkorja
2 žlici kakava

1 jajce
3 žlice mleka
3 žlice olja

Premešamo, da dobimo gladko maso in damo v mikrovalovko. Če je 1000 W, za 3 minute, če je manj, podaljšamo čas za 10 do 20 sekund.
Vzamemo ven in ohladimo. Gotovo!

Slike nimam, ker nisem bila dovolj hitra :)
Pojedeno "v luftu", edina pripomba je bila, da bi lahko mičkeno bolj sladko (ker je kakav grenek) - pa sem razmišljala, da bi dala en vanilin sladkor. No, drugič bo.


... are the brownies from the microwave that I found today on this blog and tested the recipe right away. I was a bit sceptical, but they were a 100% success!
I usually don't post recipes, but I was totally blown away by this one, and beside that, I'm working on some things that - according to the forum rules - I'm not allowed to show until the swaps have been finished.

Here goes:
We take a microwave safe dish and put in
4 spoonfuls of flour
4 spoonfuls of sugar
2 spoonfuls of cocoa

We add
1 egg
3 spoonfuls of milk
3 spoonfuls of oil

We stir all ingredients well and put the dish in the microwave oven. If it has 1000 w, for 3 minutes, if less, we add 10 or 20 seconds.
We take it out and let is cool down. Done!

I don't have a photo because I wasn't quick enough :)
It was eaten "in a jiffy", the only remark was that it could be a bit sweeter (because the cocoa is quite bitter) - and I had been actually thinking of addind a packet of vanilla sugar. Well, next time I will.
