Včeraj sem bila na koncertu ob 20. obletnici velenjskega srednješolskega zbora, v katerem sem prvih pet let pela tudi jaz. Krasno je bilo! Krasen koncert, po koncertu pa druženje s prijatelji, od katerih se z nekaterimi nismo videli že leta, pa spomini, pa petje (koliko pesmi se še spomnimo, čeprav je že več kot deset let, odkar smo skupaj prepevali!)...
In ker sva z novo zborovodkinjo še od naših srednješolskih dni zelo dobri prijateljici, sem zboru še s toliko večjim veseljem naredila eno voščilnico za obletnico.
Motiv sem našla na strani http://ngfl.northumberland.gov.uk, moder papir z notami je iz domače zaloge, modre notke sem izštancala, violinski ključ pa izrezala z nožkom.
Yesterday I went to the concert to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Velenje high school choir - I was a member for the first five years. It was fabulous! A great concert, and after the concert some hanging out with friends (I hadn't seen some of them for years), and memories, and songs - we can still remember so many songs although it's been more than ten years since we sang together!
The new conductor has been my good friend since our high school years, so it was an even greater pleasure to make a card for the choir for its anniversary.
I found the motive at http://ngfl.northumberland.gov.uk, the blue paper with notes is from my stash, I punched the blue notes with a paper punch and I cut out the treble clef with my cutter.