Današnja voščilnica, ki jutri potuje k svoji prejemnici, je enostavna - iz mojega modro-rumenega kompletka sem izštancala po dva kvadratka (jaz jim pravim Petit Beurre ali Albert keksi), jih razporedila na modro podlago, dodala bele šive s Sakura pisalom, in se mi je zazdela kot odejica. Naredila sem še rumen rob in vse skupaj nalepila na modro ozadje. Gumb je moja izdelava - iz kartona sem izštancala tri kroge, vsakemu z ročno štanco naredila dve luknjici, jih zlepila skupaj in prevezala s svetlo in temno modro rafijo. Za motive sem preizkušala marsikaj - od Tildik, Panduro deklic, ježkov... pa sem potem pristala pri petih mini rožicah v ujemajočih barvah.
Najlepše pri vsem pa je, da imam še tri podobne kompletke papirja! Pridite jutri pogledat...
My today's card that is traveling to a birthday girl tomorrow, is pretty simple - I took my blue and yellow paper set and punched out sixteen scalloped squares (I call them Petit Beurre), I arranged them on a blue background, added white faux stitches with my Sakura gel pen, and it started to look like a blanket. I made a yellow border and put everything on the blue background. I made the button - I took some cardstock, punched out three circles and made two holes in each with a hand-held punch. I glued them together and tied them with a light and dark blue raffia. I tried out different motives - Tildas, Panduro girls, hedgehoggies... but I ended up with five mini flowers in matching colours.
And the most wonderful thing is that I have three more paper sets like this one! Come by and check it out tomorrow...