Včeraj sem obljubila še nekaj odejic in jih zdaj objavljam. Fotografije so malo slabše - če mi bo uspelo narediti boljše, jih bom zamenjala. / I promised some more blankets yesterday and I'm posting them now. The photos are not so good - if I manage to get better shots, I'll replace them.
Fajn mi jih je bilo delat. Postopek je bil že znan, razporeditev tudi, pa sem samo papirčke izrezala in jih sestavila skupaj. / I really enjoyed making them. I was familiar with the procedure and arrangement, so I only had to cut and punch the papers and assemble everything together.
In ob tem še odgovor: "Petit Beurre" štanco sem kupila v Avstriji, za navadne kvadratke pa nimam štance, ampak jih režem z giljotino. / And the answers to yesterday's comments: I bought the "Petit Beurre" punch in Austria, and I don't have a punch for regular squares - I cut them with my paper cutter.
Tole pa je odtis, ki sem ga pobarvala za sodelovanje v otoškem swapu voščilnic z istim motivom. / And this is the stamped image that I coloured for my participation in the island swap of cards with the same motive.
Ko sem sličico pobarvala, sem uspela pokvariti ozadje. Zato sem pobarvala še drugi odtis, izdelala okvirček in voščilnico malo okrasila v ujemajočih barvah. In jo poslala naprej. / When I coloured the motiv, I managed to mess up the background, so I coloured the second stamped image, made a frame and decorated the card a bit in matching colours.
Ampak tiste prve pa nisem mogla vreči stran. In sem jo obrezala, da se pokvarjenega ozadja ni videlo in naredila še tole. / But I couldn't toss the first one it away. I cut it out and removed the messed-up background and made this one.
Tukajle pa so mojstrovine vseh sodelujočih v swapu. Bravo, punce!/ And here are the masterpieces of all participants in the swap. Way to go, girls!