Za današnjo voščilnico sem uporabila karton v štirih barvah (tisti iz Lidla), dva različno široka trakca, okraski v kotih so od Karen Marie (originalno beli, pa sem jih pobarvala s črnim flomastrom), odtis Tilde, ki mi ga je dala BojaMoja, pa sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki. Malo temnejša, malo bolj žalostna, ker je danes pač tak dan...
For today's card, I used cardstock in four colours (I got it at Lidl), two ribbons, the embellishments in the corners are by Karen Marie (originally they were white, and I coloured them with a black marker), and the stamped image of Tilda, that I got from BojaMoja, is coloured with watercolour pencils. A bit darker, a bit more sad, appropriate for a day like today...