Današnji pa je družinski - en naš mali pikec danes praznuje svoj prvi rojstni dan! In je od nas štirih dobil tega Penny Black medvedka. / But today it is a family one - one of our little guys is celebrating his first birthday today! And he got this Penny Black teddy from the four of us.
Joj, ti prazniki :) V opisu dneva izdelovalcev voščilnic je zapisano, da praznik pomeni začetek sezone izdelovanja decembrskih (božičnih in novoletnih) voščilnic, pri nas pa je še toliko rojstnih dni in pričakovanih dojenčkov, da sploh ne vem, kdaj bom spet zagnala rdečo - zeleno - zlato - belo - srebrno - modro "proizvodnjo". Pa bom letos res morala malo prej... / Oh my, these holidays :) In the description of the Card Making Day, it is stated that the holiday means a kick-off for the season of making December (Christmas and New Year) cards, but I still have so many birthdays coming up and expected babies that I just don't know when I'll start my red - dark green - golden - white - silver - blue "production". But I will really have to do it a bit earlier this year...
In če že govorim o dnevu izdelovalcev voščilnic, imam še en dolg za 20 (dvajset!!!) tistih, ki so objavili komentar na objavo 4.10.2008. Glede na to, da nisem postavila časovne omejitve, sem se potem, ko se je številka približevala 15, odločila, da bom še malo počakala. / Speaking of the Card Making Day, I've got one more pleasant thing to do for those 20 (twenty!!!) who sent their comments to my post of 4th October 2008. Considering that I did not set the time limit, I decided (after I saw the number was approaching 15) to wait a bit longer.
In tukaj je 20 sodelujočih: / And here are the 20 participants:
spravljenih v čarobno vrečo / put in the magic bag
žrebanje - roka ni moja! :) / drawing the lucky winner - not by my hand! :)
srečna dobitnica / the lucky winner
Čestitke! / Congratulations!
Sliko vsebine paketka bom objavila jutri. / I'll post a photo of the contents of the package tomorrow.
Še enkrat hvala vsem! / Thank you all once again!