Ko sem prvič naletela na štempiljke Magnolia, so mi bile punčke in fantki kljub lepim motivom in kombinacijam nekoliko čudni, ker niso imeli ust, meni pa se je zdelo, da so usta poleg oči najpomembnejša, da dajo smehljaj, izraz. In kar nekako nisem mogla razumeti navdušenja nad motivi Tilde in Edvina. Ko pa sem od Petye dobila svoje prve odtise in jih poskusila tudi sama pobarvati, sem se nalezla navdušenja in zdaj sem že tako daleč, da sem si celo naročila nekaj svojih! Zelo težko sem se odločila med vsemi ljubkimi motivi, na koncu pa so prevladali tisti, ki jih na Otoku zakladov še nimamo, da bomo potem spet lahko kaj izmenjale. Komaj čakam!
Za današnjo voščilnico za mojo svakinjo, ki danes praznuje rojstni dan, sem izbrala odtis Tilde z jesenskim šopkom, pobarvala sem jo z akvarelnimi svinčniki, nato pa dodala samo še štiri jesenske listke (štanca) in šive po robu okroglega okvirčka (ugotovila sem, kako krasno se riše šive s tanko konico Tria markerja!).
V živo je voščilnica lepša kot na fotografiji, ampak lahko pa rečem: ko bom velika, bi rada znala Tildike barvati kot Aija!
When I first came across Magnolia stamps, the boys and girls seemed a bit strange to me, in spite of beautiful motives and combinations. because they didn't have a mouth, and I thought the mouth - beside the eyes - is the most important, they give a smile, an expression. And I somehow couln't understand the excitement over the motives of Tilda and Edwin. But when I got my first stamped images from Petya and tried to colour them myself, I started to feel the thrill and now I've got so far that recently I even ordered some myself! It was so hard to decide and to choose from all those cute motives, but in the end, I picked some we don't have on our Treasure Island yet, so that we can swap some images again. Can't wait!
Today's card is for my sister-in-law who is celebrating her birthday today. I took a stamped image of Tilda with a Fall Bouquet, coloured it in with watercolour pencils, and only added four autumn leaves (paper punch) and faux stitches at the border of the round frame (I found out how great can these stitches be drawn with the fine point of Tria markers!)
The card is more beautiful in nature than it is in the photo, but I still can say: When I grow up I would sure like to know how to colour Tildas like Aija does!