24 oktober 2008

Sladko pričakovanje


Tooooliko stvari, ki se jih lahko veselim!

Zgodaj zjutraj grem na svoj prvi ustvarjalni sejem v Italijo! Komaj čakam! Moje prijazne sootočanke so me povabile in me vzamejo s seboj in sem že nekaj dni čisto nestrpna. Poročilo sledi...

/Soooo many things to look forward to!

Early in the morning, I'm heading off to Italy to visit a craft fair for the first time! I just can't wait! My dear fellow crafters kindly invited me and are willing to take me with them and I've been totally excited. I'll be posting a report as soon as I can...

Poleg tega je trenutno "v zraku" kar nekaj blog bonbončkov, na katerih sem pustila svoj pozdravček - predvsem za to, da lastnicam čestitam za njihove obletnice ali okrogle številke obiskov ali druge priložnosti. Če se mi še pa sreča nasmehne, bo pa sploh super.

/ In addition to that, there are a few blog candies "lingering" at the moment and I posted my greetings on some of them - mostly to congratulate the owners for their anniversaries or number of visits or other occasions. But if I get lucky too, it'll be just great.

Tukaj so:
Here goes:

Terry Baileys
(konec 25.10.2008 / ending 25th Oct 2008)

Julie - Scrapping Away
(konec 01.11.2008 / ending 1st Nov 2008)

Kim Marie
(konec 28.10.2008 / ending 28th Oct 2008)

Kristin Hubick
(konec 31.10.2008 / ending 31st Oct 2008)

In poleg vsega še vedno čakam moj paketek s štempiljkami in štancami... O, sladko pričakovanje!
/ And above all, I'm still waiting for my little package of stamps and paper punches...Oh, sweet anticipation!
